
Dr-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang, Peneliti Muda IPB Boyong Penghargaan “The Best Research Presenter”

Dr.-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang berhasil menjadi The Best Research Presenter pada 24th ITSF Research Grant Seminar, di Gedung Balai Kartini, Jakarta (5/3/2019). Indonesia Toray Science Foundation (ITSF) merupakan sebuah lembaga yang bertujuan memberikan kontribusi kemajuan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi di Indonesia. ITSF membantu para peneliti dalam bentuk dana penelitian serta menganugerahkan hadiah kepada mereka yang mampu berkontribusi dalam kemajuan sains dan teknologi. Setiap tahunnya ITSF memberikan tiga program yakni Science Education Award (SEA) untuk guru sains tingkat SMA, Science and Technology Award (STA) bagi seorang peneliti yang mumpuni serta Science and Technology Research Grant (STRG) yakni pemberian bantuan penelitian kepada para peneliti di bawah usia 45 tahun.

Dr.-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang merupakan dosen dari Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Dr. Azis merupakan salah satu penerima STRG dengan judul penelitian “Enzymatic membrane reactor (EMR): On the investigation of (electrostatic-) interactions between membrane surface and enzyme to circumvent fouling”.

Pada penelitian tersebut, Dr.-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang meneliti interaksi elektrosatik antara permukaan membran polimerik dengan molekul enzim pada berbagai nilai pH dari medium reaksi. Kuantifikasi interaksi elektrostatik ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan atomic force microscopy (AFM) dengan nilai parameter yang diukur adalah gaya adesif (adesive force).

“Prosedur yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini sangat berguna bagi dunia industri, karena waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memilih membran polimerik yang cocok untuk berbagai jenis reaksi enzimatis dapat dipersingkat,” tutur Azis.

Dosen yang menyelesaikan studi doktoralnya pada Technische Universitaet Berlin, Jerman ini menambahkan bahwa fungsi membran polimerik umumnya sebagai media pemisah (separasi) seperti pada purifikasi protein, campuran gas ataupun pemisahan senyawa lainnya dengan berat molekul yang berbeda. Terkhusus, dalam Reaktor Membran Enzimatis (RME) dimana reaksi berlangsung secara kontinyu, membran polimerik berfungsi menahan molekul enzim agar tetap berada dalam reaktor, sehingga mampu untuk mengkatalisis reaksi. Industri pengolahan susu cair “tanpa laktosa” atau “rendah laktosa” umumnya menggunakan konsep ini, dimana laktosa dihidrolisis menggunakan enzim beta-galaktosidase. (IR/Zul)

Slamet Budijanto

Prof. Dr. Slamet Budijanto was selected as the Academic Leader in Technology, the first winner

IPB achievements

Academic Leader is an award from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia as a form of appreciation to lecturers who have taken part and produced innovations that are very beneficial for national development.

The award is divided into three categories, namely the lecturer category as Academic Leader; the category of lecturers with additional duties as Leaders of Higher Education, and the category of Head of Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDikti).

In the announcement which took place on the night of October 1, 2019, IPB achieved the following achievements:

1. Dr. Arif Satria was selected as an Academic Leader in the lecturer category with an additional assignment as the Rector of PTNBH, the second winner.

2. Dr. Illah Sailah was chosen as Academic Leader as LLDikti Leader, second winner.

3. Prof. Dr. Slamet Budijanto was selected as the Academic Leader in Technology, the first winner.

Congratulations to Dr. Arif Satria, Dr. Illah Sailah and Prof. Dr. Slamet Budijanto who have brought the name of IPB to the prestigious Academic Leader 2019.

IPB Proud. Jaya is always our IPB. IPB Digdaya ✨

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Acara Purnabakti ITP: Syukur Bhakti untuk Negeri

Acara “Syukur Atas Bakti untuk Negeri” diselenggarakan sebagai ungkapan terima kasih kami atas bakti dan pengabdian dari 8 orang dosen (Dr. Yadi Haryadi, Dr. Suliantari, Dr. Adil Basuki Ahza, Prof.Dr. Tien R. Muchtadi, Prof.Dr. Betty Sri Laksmi Jenis, Prof.Dr. Rizal Syarief, Dr. Budiatman Satyawihardja, Prof.Dr. Dedi Fardiaz) dan 2 orang tenaga kependidikan (Bapak Abdul Rozak Bapak Sobirin) yang memasuki usia pensiun.

Sesuai dengan temanya “Syukur Atas Bakti Untuk Negeri”, acara ini diselenggarakan sebagai ungkapan rasa hormat dan terima kasih yang tulus dari kami kepada Bapak/Ibu Purnabakti atas segala pengabdian, bakti dan karya yang telah Bapak/Ibu ukirkan selama mengabdi sebagai dosen dan tenaga kependidikan di Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITP).

Terima kasih kami ucapkan yang tidak terhingga kepada Bapak/Ibu Purnabakti dan juga para guru dan sesepuh serta para dosen dan tenaga kependidikan yang telah wafat mendahului kita atas atas segala jasa dan pengabdiannya dalam meletakkan fondasi yang kuat, nilai-nilai, budaya dan etos kerja yang luar biasa sehingga Departemen ITP dapat mencapai prestasi yang sangat membanggakan hingga saat ini.

Departemen ITP saat ini memiliki 4 program studi, yaitu S1 dan S2 Teknologi Pangan, serta S2 dan S3 Ilmu Pangan, yang semuannya telah terakreditasi A. Bahkan untuk Program sarjana Teknologi pangan telah memperoleh pengakuan internasional dari Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) AS, dan International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST). Tahun 2018 ini, Departemen ITP juga membuka Kelas Internasional untuk program sarjana Teknologi Pangan, yang dirancang untuk dapat diikuti oleh mahasiswa asing. Antusiasme mahasiswa asing untuk belajar di Departemen ITP ditunjukkan dengan semakin banyaknya mahasiswa asing yang mengikuti program pertukaran mahasiswa dan summer course program.

Jumlah lulusan dari Departemen ITP dari strata sarjana dan pasca sarjana sudah mencapai lebih dari 4000 orang. Mereka mengabdi dan bekerja di berbagai bidang dengan prestasi yang juga luar biasa. Demikian juga dosen, tenaga pendidikan dan mahasiswa Departemen ITP mampu berprestasi bukan hanya di tingkat nasional tetapi juga internasional.

Prestasi dan reputasi yang luar biasa tersebut tidak terlepas dari kontribusi dan jasa Bapak/Ibu Purnabakti dan para sesepuh selama mengabdi di Departemen ITP. Wujud dari rasa terima kasih ini ditunjukkan dari antusiasme para murid Bapak/Ibu dari berbagai angkatan untuk meluangkan waktunya hadir pada acara ini, yang jumlahnya lebih dari 900 orang.

Kami mendoakan Bapak/Ibu untuk senantiasa diberikan kesehatan dan usia sehingga dapat terus melanjutkan pengabdian dan berkarya untuk negeri. Sumbangan pemikiran dan karya Bapak/Ibu tetap kami perlukan agar Departemen ITP dapat terus melangkah maju dalam mendidik dan mempersiapkan para putra-putri bangsa sebagai pemimpin masa depan di bidang ilmu dan teknologi pangan.


Professor of IPB University: Palm Oil is Potential in the Implementation of SDGs

South-East Asia Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST) Center, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), IPB University in collaboration with the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta) IPB University and the Association of Indonesian Food Technology Experts (PATPI) held the 6th Food Ingredient Asia Conference (FIAC) online, 14-16 / 10.

Dr. Azis Boing Sitanggang in his speech said FIAC is a forum to disseminate and discuss research results and current issues related to food in Indonesia and the world.

Meanwhile, the Head of LPPM IPB University, Dr. Ernan Rustiadi, revealed that the world population which continues to increase along with the limited productive land is a challenge for world food security. “This must be overcome by increasing the productivity of available land, minimizing food loss, and managing sustainable substantial food consumption,” he said.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Professor of IPB University, in his presentation explained the potential of national oil palm. According to him, oil palm has the potential to support the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, Indonesia is a place for palm oil producers.

“The productivity of oil palm is very high, it can produce vegetable oil up to eight tons per hectare per year. This is much higher than oil from soybeans and sunflower seeds which can only produce 0.4 tonnes and 0.5 tonnes of oil per hectare,” he explained.

Oil palm also has a productive life of up to 25 years with relatively cheaper production costs. Prof. Hariyadi continued, based on data collected by the Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association (GAPKI), throughout 2019 Indonesia’s palm oil production reached up to 51.8 tons of Crude Palm Oil (CPO). This number is 9 percent higher than production in 2018.

This, he said, made Indonesia worthy of being called the largest palm oil producer in the world. With the growth in population and the world economy, the demand for vegetable oils in the next decade will continue to increase.

“The commodity palm oil has grown strongly, contributing around 1.5 to 2.5 percent of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is what makes the Indonesian government make oil palm be the key factor in the economy, ”he added.

Not only as a foreign exchange earner, but oil palm also contributes to improving the quality of life for people, including the quality of education and health. Therefore, it cannot be denied that palm oil plays a significant role in achieving the SDGs targets.

However, several strategies are needed to address various challenges such as aspects of food safety and health risks. As much as 85 percent of palm oil is used for cooking food. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the entire supply chain from the production stage to the end.

Prof. Hariadi also emphasized that Indonesia needs to build research and development activities to produce higher and higher quality palm oil composition values. Including oils that are free of trans fats and rich in phytonutrients.

In this activity also attended as a speaker, Dr. Emmanuel Hatzakis, (Ohio State University, USA), Prof. Dr. Michael Murkovic (Graz University of Technology, Austria). On the second day, the activities were filled by Dr. Dede Adawiyah (IPB University), Dr-Ing Dase Hunaefi (IPB University), Prof. Dr. Lilis Nuraida (SEAFAST Center IPB University), Prof. Dr. Chin-Kun Wang (Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan), and closed by Prof. Dr. Umar Santoso (President of IAFT / PATPI).  (IAAS/YN)

flyer FGD

Focus Group Discussion – FGD

Meneropong Teknologi Pangan di Pertengahan Abad 21

Teknologi pangan terus berkembang seiring dinamika bidang keilmuan lain dan perubahan tuntutan konsumen. Proyeksi perkembangan teknologi pangan dalam tiga dekade kedepan perlu perhatikan untuk memastikan proses pendidikan teknologi pangan menghasilkan lulusan yang sejalan dan selaras dan kebutuhan pengguna.
Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan IPB bekerjasama dengan Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia meyelenggarakn FGD dengan tema “Meneropong Teknologi Pangan di Pertengahan Abad 21”. Narasumber pada FGD yang berasal dari Industri Pangan (Ir. Mukhlis Bahrainy, CEO Pachira group), Dr. Rina Agustina (Fakultas Kedokteran UI) dan Prof Renanto Handogo (Fakultasa Teknologi Industri dan Rekayasa Sistem, Teknik Kimia ITS) memberikan pandangan mereka prospek perkembangan teknologi pandan dari sudut pandang pelaku industri, ilmu gizi dan Kesehatan, serta keteknikan.

Teknologi pangan dimasa depan dituntut untuk mampu menghasilkan produk pangan yang baik untuk kesehatan dan tetap memberikan cita rasa yang disukai oleh konsumen. Dimasa yang akan datang kebutuhan diet setiap kelompok konsumen akan semakin bervariasi dan juga  kebutuhan gizi setiap yang semakin personalized. Disisin yang lain, perkembangan keteknikan telah membuka peluang untuk menciptakan satu alat yang mampu melaksanakan berbagai unit operasi sekaligus dengan desain yang kompak dan kebutuhan energi yang kecil. Oleh karena itu, produksi pangan yang aman dan bermutu dalam skala yang lebih kecil dan mungkin skala rumah tangga adalah sebuah keniscayaan di masa depan. Jika saat ini industri pangan lebih banyak memproduksi pangan secara masal maka tiga dekade ke depan industri pangan dituntut untuk menciptakan ingredien pangan atau produk setengah jadi yang bisa diolah oleh setiap individu secara praktis dalam skala yang kecil sesuai kebutuhan konsumen. Apabila hal tersebut benar terjadi, maka Pendidikan teknologi pangan perlu melakukan berbagai penyesuaian kurikulum dan proses Pendidikan.

Materi FGD dapat di download

Flayer Patpi

Webinar Nasional PATPI Cabang Bogor

Webinar Nasional PATPI Cabang Bogor

PATPI National Webinar, Bogor Branch

Nano Technology in Food: Perspectives and Prospects


PATPI Bogor Branch in collaboration with the Department of ITP IPB held a National Webinar on August 3, 2020 with the theme “Nano Technology in the Field of Food: Perspectives and Prospects”. Prof. Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rohman, Ph.D who is a research professor and Head of the LIPI Physics and Metallurgy Research Center was the main resource person, while Dr. Sri Yuliani who is a researcher from BB. Post-Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Dr. Nugraha Edhi Suyatma from the Department of Food Science and Technology was invited as a guest speaker. The topics presented by the three speakers are:

1. Perspectives & Prospects of Nano Technology in Food Processes in Indonesia

2. Nanoencapsulation Technology for Improving Local Food Quality

3. Nanotechnology Applications for Food Packaging: A Review of Technology and Its Safety

This webinar was attended by 666 participants with various professions such as lecturers, students, researchers, practitioners and observers of nanotechnology and food originating from various tertiary institutions, research institutions, and the private sector.

The three materials presented by the three speakers can be downloaded at the links provided.

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Dr-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang Build Research Collaboration with MIT-USA Lecturers

One of the lecturers in the food process engineering division, department of food science  and technology, faculty of agricultural technology (ITP Fateta) IPB University Dr.-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang,conduct research collaboration visits with one of leading university in the world, that is Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)- Boston ,USA. This visits was held at December 5-6th 2019. On this occasion, Dr. Azis explore research with two professor from MIT.

The first collaboration research that explore are with Prof Jongyoon Han (Professor of Electrical Engineering and Professor of Biological Engineering). The topic is automated continuous membrane-based emulsification reactor: development, characterization and applications.

That IPB University lecturer explain that on this proposal, reactor emulsification continuous will be developed used membrane made from metal. For application, emulsification red palm oil and oil from rice rice bran will be studied. Other than that, the effect of hydrodynamics on the size of the emulsion produced is also the focus of this research.

On this collaboration, Dr Azis too took two researchers from Indonesia, he is Prof Anang M Legowo from food science and technology study program, Brawijaya University.

The second collaboration , Dr Azis in collaboration with Dr Bradley L. Pentelute, Associate Professor of Chemistry. Proposed topic is Novel Peptides from Tempe Exhibiting ACE Inhibitory Activities: Characterization and Chemical Modifications. This topic, Prof Amarila Malik from pharmaceutical faculty, Indonesia University also joined in cooperation.

“ On the second topic, peptide from tempe that has inhibitory activity of the work of the angiotensin  enzyme will be characterized by its structure. When its structure has been obtained then the peptide will be produced in MIT and then tested again its inhibitor activity,” he said.

He delivered that the two partnerships are being explored is a part of MIT Indonesia Seed Fund Proposals. “ In this case, collaboration research inovatif between MIT and various leading universities in Indonesia related to science,technology and social economic the important one and relevant for Indonesia will get funding from the Indonesian government,” he said.

Through this collaboration is expected can improve quality and quantity research in food and science technology department (DITP) and can send lecturer and graduate student food science and technology department IPB University for do riset sandwich with MIT,USA. (IAAS/NAS)



keyword: IPB lecturer, international cooperation , food, DITP IPB