0251-8626725     dfst@apps.ipb.ac.id

Vision and Mission

The Department of Food Science and Technology – IPB has the vision to become an excellent institution of food science and technology at the global level in the field of tropical bioscience

The missions of the Department are as follows:

1. Hold high-quality undergraduate, master and doctoral programs in the field of food science and technology to produce competent and globally competitive graduates

2. Hold researches contributing to the development of food science and technology with excellence in the field of tropical biosciences, which can be applied in the community and the food industry.

3. Hold community service activities to provide solutions to problems and challenges in the community

To achieve its vision and carry out the missions, the Department has the following objectives:

1. Produce competent and globally competitive graduates at all program levels.

2. Produce basic and applied research to support national food policy, development of the food industry, and advances in the field of food science and technology with excellence in the field of tropical biosciences.

3. Apply food science and technology through community service activities in providing solutions to problems and challenges in society.

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