0251-8626725     dfst@apps.ipb.ac.id

The Department of Food Science and Technology holds Undergraduate in Food Technology, Masters in Food Technology and Food Science, and Doctor in Food Science programs. We have approximately 450 undergraduate students and a hundred Masters and Doctorate students per year studying in various areas of food science. Our undergraduate and graduate students come from almost all provinces in Indonesia. More than 4,000 of our alumni are working in various food-related sectors in our country and abroad.

The Department employes 50 teaching Faculty from diversed educational background and specialties (food chemistry, food microbiology, food processing, food engineering, food packaging, food safety, food analysis, flavor chemistry, risk analysis, sensory analysis, quality asurance, biotechnology and bioprocessing, food biochemistry and nutrition, food toxicology, etc).

The Department has achieved excellence in teaching and research and for securing high quality incoming students. The Department is proud of its faculty research performance, curricula, educational process, graduate performance, internal management and organization, and the creation and expansion of collaboration with government and food industries nationally and internationally.

Since 2001, our Food Technology Unergraduate Program has adopted the food science curriculum recommended by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). On July 21, 2010, the IFT Higher Education Review Board (HERB) approved our undergraduate program as complying the IFT Undergraduate Education Standards for Degrees in Food Science. Our program has the distinction of being the first program outside of North America approved by IFT. In 2013, our Food Technology Program has also received international recognition from International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST).

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