0251-8626725     dfst@apps.ipb.ac.id

Food Analysis Services

Food Analysis Laboratory is a service laboratory in the Department of Food Science and Technology – IPB, which functions mainly to develop analytical methods that supports academic program. The analytical methods pubslihed in Food Analysis Laboratory, Food Microbiology Laboratory, and Food Chemistry and Biochemistry Laboratory manuals used for laboratory work program of undergraduate program of food technology have been validated by this laboraory. The laboratory also supports practical laboratory, open for final year students to conduct research projects or join in internship program.

Food Analysis Laboratory also provides food analysis services for food industries, government institutions and other clients. The Laboratory is capable of analyzing qualitatively and/or quantitatively raw and processed foods in the following areas: chemical analyses, physical analyses, microbial analyses, and food quality analyses.

Food Analysis Laboratory is supported by skillful analysts and technicians. Analytical procedures apply standard methods, such as AOAC International and Indonesian National Standard (SNI). It is our committment to provide professional services by complying with Indonesian National Standard ISO 17025 Guideline. Since 2005, the Laboratorium has been accredited by National Accreditation Committee (KAN) as a testing laboratory.

Chemical Analyses

  • Proximate (ash, moisture, fat, protein, carbohydrate)
  • Dietary fiber
  • Vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E)
  • Minerals and heavy metal (Na, Ca, K, Fe, Zn, Mg, Hg, Co, Cd, Pb, Cu, As, etc)
  • pH dan titrable acid
  • Fatty acid composition (GC)
  • Sugars (total sugar, reducing and non-reducing sugar, lactose)
  • Cholesterol (GC)
  • Phenolic content (tanin)
  • Formaline and borax (qualitative and quantitative)
  • Qualitative analyses of MSG, nitrate, nitrite, and cyclamate
  • Beta caroten (HPLC)
  • Amylose and amylopectin (spectrophotometer)
  • Amino acid (HPLC)
  • Water activity
  • Acidic, acetyl, ester, safonic, peroxide, and iodic values (titrimetric)
  • Nutritional fact
  • Free fatty acid (titration)
  • DHA
  • Cyanidic acid (qualitative/quantitative)
  • Carageenan (Manan and alginate)
  • MSG (qualitative)
  • Nitrate/nitrite
  • Starch (Luf Schrool and Lane Eynon Methods)
  • Pectin
  • Sacharine and cyclamate (qualitative)
  • Volatile oil
  • Colorant (qualitative)
  • Sulfite
  • Smoke test

Physical Analyses

  • Fluid behaviour (Newtonian/non-Newtonian)
  • Rheological analyses by Farinograph, Extensograph and Brabender amylograph)
  • Solid behavior (elasticity, plasticity, visco-elasticity
  • Texture analysis of food products or materials (viscosity, gel strength, crispiness)
  • Colour (L, a, and b values)
  • Microscopic analysis (e.g. granule size and shape)
  • Total soluble solid
  • Density
  • Refraction index
  • Whiteness
  • Emulsion stability index
  • Fat impurity
  • Optic active
  • Texture Profile Analysis (hardness, brittleness, elasticity, cohesiveness, stickiness)
  • Thermal properties (thermal conductivity)
  • Polarized Microscopic analysis for starch granular size and shape

Microbial Analyses

  • Pathogen bacteria (SalmonellaStaphylococcus aureusBacillus cereusClostridium perfringensEnterobacteriaceae, bacteria spore)
  • Sanitation indicator bacteria (ColiformE. coliStreptococcus faecalis)
  • Lactic acid bacteria
  • Yeast and mould
  • Total plate count (mesophyl/thermophyl)
  • Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2 (HPLC)
  • Vibrio cholera (quantitative/aglutination)
  • Gram positive/negative bacteria

Food Quality Analyses

  • Nutrition fact
  • Shelf-life determination of processed food products (Arrhenius Model and Moisture Sorption Isothermic Model)
  • Fat quality
  • Sensory analysis
  • Determination of Fo value for thermal process adequacy (batch retort and continuous aseptic system)
  • Other quality analyses according to client request

Our Clients
Food Analysis Laboratory has provided analysis services for food industries, government institutions, and other clients. The followings are our clients that have used our food analysis services:

  • PT Bogasari Flour Mills
  • PT Ceres
  • PT Heinz ABC
  • PT Sanghiang Perkasa
  • PT Indofood Sukses Makmur
  • PT Sari Agrotama Persada
  • PT Cargill Indonesia
  • PT Japfa Osi
  • PT Global Agro Synergi
  • PT Ajinomoto
  • PT Jakarana Tama
  • PT Charoen Pokphan
  • Orang Tua Group
  • PT Enak Jaya Makmur
  • PT Mitratama Kencana Sejati
  • PT Keong Nusantara Abadi
  • PT Panca Mukti
  • PT. Nitenia Kasih Karunia
  • PT. Indomilk
  • PT. Garuda Food Jaya
  • PT. Fajar Taurus
  • Trans TV
  • PT. DairyGold Indonesia
  • PT. Jin Young
  • PT. Seasonal Supplies Indonesia
  • PT. Saka Farma Lab
  • PT. Enseval Putra M, Tbk
  • PT. Pepami Indonesia
  • PT. Star Energy (Kakap) Ltd
  • PT. LG Electronics Indonesia
  • PT. Kelinci Mas
  • PT. Mitindo Global Jaya
  • PT. Mitratama Kencana Sejati
  • PT. Jakarana Tama
  • PT. Brusindo
  • PT. Fast Food
  • PT. Smart Corporation
  • PT. Sari Segar Alami
  • PT. Viva Mubarok
  • PT. Sentra Food Indonusa
  • PT. Givaudan
  • PT. Frozen Food Pahala
  • PT. Medan Tropikal Canning
  • PT. Mayora
  • PT. Nutrifood
  • PT. Goodman Fielder
  • PT. Niramas Utama
  • PT. Rex Canning
  • The Center of National Bees
  • Heart Hospital “Harapan Kita”
  • Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia
  • PT. Hasfarm Dian Consultant
  • PT. Mattel Indonesia
  • Australian Wheat Board
  • PT San Miguel
  • PT Ceres
  • PT. Prima Solusi Medika
  • PT. Heinz ABC
  • PT. Sari Agrotama Persada
  • PT. Lautan Luas, Tbk
  • PT. Fajar taurus
  • PT. Superfine Indonesia
  • PT. Jakarana Tama
  • CV. Cenderawasih Papua
  • PT. Goodfood Indonesia
  • PT. Puri Pangan Lestari
14 Aug, 2024

IPB University’s CoffeeCraft 2024: Bridging Coffee Culture, Science, and Industry in a Thrilling Summer Course

Posted inNews
IPB University’s CoffeeCraft 2024: Bridging Coffee Culture, Science, and Industry in a Thrilling Summer Course

IPB University's CoffeeCraft 2024: Bridging Coffee Culture, Science, and Industry in a Thrilling Summer CourseThis year, the Department of Food Science and Technology at IPB  Read More »

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