0251-8626725     dfst@apps.ipb.ac.id

Graduate Profile

Graduate performance of FTSP-IPB has been evaluated by several indicators, i.e. Grade Point Average (GPA), length of study, average waiting time for the first job, and percentage of graduates working in food related sectors. Tools used to asses graduate performance is by annual alumni survey. A minimum 70% of respondents come from the same group of students one year after graduation. The survey is conducted by questionnaire distribution or by phone interviews. The GPA of FTSP-IPB graduates in 2008-2012 was 3,30 in average and with length of study 4.3-4.5 years.

The FTSP-IPB graduates obtained their first job within 2.3 months in average. The majority (70%) of the graduates obtain their first job in less than 3 months after graduation. Most of food technology graduates work in food related sectors. The surveys in 2011-2012 revealed that majority of FTSP-IPB graduates work in the area of quality control/quality assurance division (27%) and product develop-ment/research and development division (22%). The percentage of FTSP-IPB graduates working in food production division was about 12%. Other positions of FTSP-PB graduates were as management trainee and sales.  

Stakeholders satisfaction is assessed through tracer study of users/emplo-yers of FTSP-IPB alumni. The tracer study is conducted every five years to assess the satisfaction level of graduates and users as well as to provide feed back for the curriculum improvement. Employers satisfied with the graduate performance (integrity, technical skills, English proficiency, IT skills, communication skill, team work, and self development motivation). 

As a result of feedback from the users/employers of our alumni, we focused on the assessment of program outcomes and learning outcomes related to success skills competencies at the level of food science and technology courses for the year of 2012. We have determined that success skills could be further explored to include communication skills, critical thinking/problem solving skills, professional skills, life-long learning skills, interaction skills, information acquisition skills, and organizational skills are distributed in most food science courses. Their coverage may differ from one course to the others (some courses cover in detail and some others cover to some extent). Not every single course covers all success skills in the same level of depth. The changes made in assessment tools are applied to assess student achievements in different aspects of success skills. Generic rubrics to objectively assess written communication, oral communicatiom, and class participation are developed and implemented.

14 Aug, 2024

IPB University’s CoffeeCraft 2024: Bridging Coffee Culture, Science, and Industry in a Thrilling Summer Course

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IPB University’s CoffeeCraft 2024: Bridging Coffee Culture, Science, and Industry in a Thrilling Summer Course

IPB University's CoffeeCraft 2024: Bridging Coffee Culture, Science, and Industry in a Thrilling Summer CourseThis year, the Department of Food Science and Technology at IPB  Read More »

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