Dr.-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang berhasil menjadi The Best Research Presenter pada 24th ITSF Research Grant Seminar, di Gedung Balai Kartini, Jakarta (5/3/2019). Indonesia Toray Science Foundation (ITSF) merupakan sebuah lembaga yang bertujuan memberikan ko ...
Prof. Dr. Slamet Budijanto was selected as the Academic Leader in Technology, the first winner
IPB achievements Academic Leader is an award from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia as a form of appreciation to lecturers who have taken part and produced innovations that are very beneficial for national ...
Acara Purnabakti ITP: Syukur Bhakti untuk Negeri
Acara "Syukur Atas Bakti untuk Negeri" diselenggarakan sebagai ungkapan terima kasih kami atas bakti dan pengabdian dari 8 orang dosen (Dr. Yadi Haryadi, Dr. Suliantari, Dr. Adil Basuki Ahza, Prof.Dr. Tien R. Muchtadi, Prof.Dr. Betty Sri Laksmi Jenis, Pro ...
Professor of IPB University: Palm Oil is Potential in the Implementation of SDGs
South-East Asia Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST) Center, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), IPB University in collaboration with the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fat ...
Focus Group Discussion – FGD
Meneropong Teknologi Pangan di Pertengahan Abad 21 Teknologi pangan terus berkembang seiring dinamika bidang keilmuan lain dan perubahan tuntutan konsumen. Proyeksi perkembangan teknologi pangan dalam tiga dekade kedepan perlu perhatikan untuk memastik ...
Webinar Nasional PATPI Cabang Bogor
Webinar Nasional PATPI Cabang Bogor PATPI National Webinar, Bogor Branch Nano Technology in Food: Perspectives and Prospects PATPI Bogor Branch in collaboration with the Department of ITP IPB held a National Webinar on August 3, 2020 with ...
Dr-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang Build Research Collaboration with MIT-USA Lecturers
One of the lecturers in the food process engineering division, department of food science and technology, faculty of agricultural technology (ITP Fateta) IPB University Dr.-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang,conduct research collaboration visits with one of lead ...
PT. Mitsubishi
PT. Mitsubishi PT. Mitsubishi Collaboration initiation in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB
Kamada Soy Sauce Company
Kamada Soy Sauce Company Collaboration initiation in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB
Guangxi Sugar Industry Development Office
the Guangxi Sugar Industry Development Office Collaboration initiation in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB