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Prof. Dr-Ing. Azis Boing Sitanggang sebagai profesor termuda di IPB University

Prof Dr-Ing Azis Boing Sitanggang, MSc, STP, dosen Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (Fateta) IPB University resmi dikukuhkan sebagai Guru Besar pada bulan Juni 2023 dalam usia 36 tahun 9 bulan. Hal ini menjadikannya sebagai profesor termuda di IPB University. Dosen Program Studi Teknologi Pangan yang menyelesaikan pendidikan doktoral di Technische Universitat Berlin bidang Chemical and Process Engineering ini mengatakan, titel profesor yang didapatkannya merupakan hasil dari dukungan berbagai pihak baik mahasiswa maupun dosen senior, terutama dari Prof Slamet Budijanto, yang saat ini menjadi Dekan Fateta IPB University, yang banyak membimbingnya. “Prof Slamet Budijanto yang menyadarkan saya ternyata ada

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Summer Course Program 2024 – CoffeeCraft

Hello Coffee Lovers! Have you ever considered why coffee tastes like coffee? If so, let’s learn more about coffee from a wider point of view ranging from cultural to scientific!   Department of Food Science and Technology will be conducting the First Summer Course Program with the topic of “COFFEECRAFT: UNVEILING INDONESIA’S BEAN-TO-CUP JOURNEY THROUGH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY” on 2024.   Program This summer course is a 2-weeks program that will unveil Indonesia’s coffee through scientific and cultural perspective. The program will be held by hybrid manners which means participants can either participate through offline or online

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Press Release 2-Days Training Pengenalan CPPOB dan HACCP untuk UMK Pangan

Sebagai bagian dari rangkaian kegiatan “Pendampingan UMK Pangan Steril Komersial”,  Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA), IPB University bekerja sama dengan PT. Sasa Inti menyelenggarakan pelatihan “Pengenalan CPPOB dan HACCP untuk UMK Pangan”. Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan secara hybrid di Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB University (luring) dan zoom meeting pada tanggal 10-11 Agustus 2023. Peserta yang diikutkan secara penuh selama dua hari dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah perwakilan dari dua UMK pangan steril komersial (CV MT Farm dan CV Sazada Pratama) beserta mahasiswa yang akan turut dalam kegiatan pendampingan UMK pangan steril komersial

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Food science is defined as the application of the basic sciences and engineering to study the fundamental physical, chemical and biochemical nature of foods, and the principles of food processing. Food technology is the use of the information generated by food science in the selection, preservation, processing, packaging and distribution, as it affects the consumption of safe, nutritious and wholesome foods. 


Undergraduate Program in Food Technology

In the food technology program, students learn the application of food science to the selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and use of safe, nutritious, and wholesome food

Master in Food Technology

In a global competition era, food products from Indonesia must be able to compete with other food products from other countries. To achieve this, national food industries must be capable of producing safe and high quality food

Master in Food Science

The Food Science Study Program is designed for students who wish to study the application of biological, chemical, engineering, and physical principles to the conversion of raw agricultural products into processed foods

Doctor in Food Science

The Doctorate Program in Food Science is designed for students who wish to study food science in greater depth and details and discover new findings. Food Science is defined as the science that applies the principles of biology,


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