Guru Besar Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
Departemen Ilmu Teknologi Pangan , Fateta IPB menambah 2 orang Guru Besar lagi. Selamat dan sukses kepada Prof. Dr. Nurheni Sri Palupi dan Prof.Dr. Feri
The Department of Foof Science and Technology continuously strengthens its research quality in the area of food security and food safety based on local/tropical resources. These research area are strategic as driving factors to improve nation’s competitiveness. Research in food security will contribute to develop convenient, nutritious and safe local processed foods. Meanwhile, research in food safety area will contribute to the development of foods that are safe for human consumption, which is free of biological, chemical and physical hazards as well as provides protection to consumers from contaminated, unsafe, and adulterated foods. Overall, our research program will contribute to increase competitive advantages of local foods with improved quality and safety.
The research program to support food availability-accessibility is also developed to generate technological pull that could enhance backward and forward linkages. The innovation and technology developed through those researches are adoptable by food industries through triangle collaboration between university-industry-community. In the long run, development of food availability-accessibility based on local resources is also expected to increase the added value of local foods and eliminate imported food products. Food safety is also a very strategic issue as it is closely linked to the public health, economy and global trade. Improvements in food safety is necessary to improve the food product competitiveness. In addition to technology outputs that are adoptable by food industries, research excellence is indicated by reseach publcation in reputable scientific journals, property right or patents.
A more focused research program and its supporting activities are expected to increase the Department contribution to national food security and food safety programs as well as moving the Department toward international recognition. The Department facilititates its Faculty to initiate research collaboration with national and international institutions or food industries.
Departemen Ilmu Teknologi Pangan , Fateta IPB menambah 2 orang Guru Besar lagi. Selamat dan sukses kepada Prof. Dr. Nurheni Sri Palupi dan Prof.Dr. Feri
Do you have an interest in fermented foods, their benefits, and the process? Are you interested in learning the science behind tempe? Let’s learn together
Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA) Institut Pertanian Bogor.
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