0251-8626725     dfst@apps.ipb.ac.id

Prof.Dr. Purwiyatno Hariyadi

Professor, Division of Food process Engineering



Research interest

  1. Post harvest handling and processing; especially for palm oil
  2. Oil processing, such as, enzymatic modification and processing of fat and oil 
  3. Food process and engineering ; especially on sterilization, pasteurization and aseptic processing/packaging, including irradiation of foods
  4. Development of food product (characteristics, physical properties, characterization of reaction kinetics, validation and optimation of process) for thermal process, oil/fat modification.
  5. Processing and applied enzymology


Prof.Dr. Purwiyatno Hariyadi


  1. BSc (Food Technology, IPB-Indonesia), 1984.
  2. MS (Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), 1990
  3. PhD (Food Science with minor in chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), 1995


Publication index

  1. Scopus h-index: 10 (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=16156219500)  
  2. Google Scholar h-index: 24 (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=C8HJLh8AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
  3. Research Gate  Score: 25.49 (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Purwiyatno-Hariyadi)  
List of publications over the last 5 years
  1. Hasibuan HA, Sitanggang AB, Andarwulan N, Hariyadi P. 2021. Solvent fractionation of hard palm stearin to increase the concentration of tripalmitoylglycerol and dipalmitoyl‐stearoyl‐glycerol as substrates for synthesis of human milk fat substitute. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.15206 
  2. Hasibuan HA, Sitanggang AB, Andarwulan N, Hariyadi P. 2021. Enzymatic synthesis of human milk fat substitute – a review on technological approaches. Food Technology and Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.17113/ftb. 
  3. Hariyadi P. 2021. Understanding the Codex Standard to Ensure Safety and Quality of Palm Oil International Journal of Oil Palm 4 (1), 1-7
  4. Utama Q.D., Sitanggang, A.B., Adawiyah, D.R., and Hariyadi, P. 2020. Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Medium-Long-Medium-Type of Structured Lipids from Refined Bleached Deodorized Olein. Appl Food Biotechnol 7 (2), 85-94
  5. Utama, Q.D., Sitanggang, A.B., Adawiyah, D.R. and Hariyadi, P. 2020. Lipase-catalyzed transesterification of medium-long-medium structured lipid (MLM-SL) using palm olein and tricaprylin in packed-bed reactor (PBR). Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 7(2):85-94. 
  6. Nurhasanah, S., Munarso, S.J., Wulandari, N., and Hariyadi, P. 2020. Physical Characteristics of Structured Lipid Synthesized by Lipase Catalyzed Interesterification of Coconut and Palm Oils. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology 28 (1)
  7. Hariyadi, P. 2020 Food safety & nutrition issues: challenges and opportunities for Indonesian palm oil. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 418 (1), 012003
  8. Pursito, D.J., Purnomo, E.H., Fardiaz, D., and Hariyadi, P. 2020. Optimizing Steam Consumption of Mushroom Canning Process by Selecting Higher Temperatures and Shorter Time of Retorting International Journal of Food Science 2020
  9. Sarungallo, Z.L., Hariyadi, P., Andarwulan, N., and Purnomo EH. 2019. Keragaman Karakteristik Fisik Buah, tanaman dan Rendemen Minyak dari 9 Klon Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus): Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan 12 (1), 70-82
  10. Utama, Q.D., Sitanggang, A.B., Adawiyah, D.R., and  Hariyadi, P. 2019. Lipase-Catalyzed Interesterification for the Synthesis of Medium-Long-Medium (MLM) Structured Lipids–A Review. Food Technol Biotechnol 57 (3), 305-318
  11. Marpaung, A.M., Andarwulan, N., Hariyadi, P, and Faridah, D.N. 2019. The difference in colour shifting of Clitoria ternatea L. Flower extract at pH 1, 4, and 7 during storage. Current Nutrition & Food Science 15 (7), 694-699
  12. Malau, K.M., Andarwulan, N., Martianto, D., Gitapratiwi, D.,  Wulan, A.C.,  Fitriani, D., and Hariyadi, P. 2019.  Kinetics of Vitamin A Degradation and Oxidation of Palm Oil Fortified with Retinyl Palmitate and?-Carotene from Red Palm Oil. International Journal of Oil Palm 2 (3), 108-119
  13. Dewi, N.F., Purnomo, E.H., and Hariyadi, P. 2019. Effect of Waiting Time and Process Temperature on the Quality of Commercially Sterilized Flavored Liquid Milk. Jurnal Mutu Pangan: Indonesian Journal of Food Quality 6 (1), 17-23
  14. Aini, N. and Hariyadi, P. 2019. Utilization of modified white corn starch in producing marshmallow cream IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry) 3 (2), 40-46
  15. Adawiyah, D.,  Prabowo, L. D. R., and Hariyadi, P. 2019. Peningkatan Skala Produksi Mikroenkapsulat Minyak Sawit Merah Dengan Pengering Semprot. Jurnal Mutu Pangan Vol. 6(1): 9-16, 2019.
  16. Sarungallo, Z.L., Hariyadi, P., Andarwulan, N. and Purnomo, E.H. 2019. Keragaman Karakteristik Fisik Buah, tanaman dan Rendemen Minyak dari 9 Klon Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus) [Diversity of Physical Characteristics of Fruit, Plant and the Yield Oil of Nine Clones of Red Fruit (Pandanus conoideus)].  Jurnal Ilmiah agribisnis dan Perikanan (agrikan UMMU-Ternate) Volume 12 Nomor 1 (Mei 2019). 
  17. Mulyawan A, Hunaefi D, P Hariyadi P. 2018. Karakteristik Lipid Terstruktur Hasil Transesterifikasi Enzimatik antara Minyak Ikan dan Minyak Kelapa Murni Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 21 (2), 317-327
  18. Fitria E, Hariyadi P, Andarwulan N, Triana RN. 2018. Sifat fisikokimia pati sagu termodifikasi dengan metode oksidasi menggunakan Natrium Hipoklorit Jurnal Mutu Pangan: Indonesian Journal of Food Quality 5 (2), 100-108
  19. Sarungallo, ZL., Hariyadi, P. Andarwulan, N and Purnomo, E.H.  Karakteristik Fisik Buah Dan Rendemen Minyak 9 Klon Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus). Bionatura 17 (1)
  20. Martianto, D., Andarwulan, N., Siahaan, D., Gitapratiwi, D., Triana, R.N., and Hariyadi, P.  2018. Critical Chemical-Quality Assessment for the Oxidative Stability of Bulk Palm Oil in Indonesia. Int J Oil Palm. Volume 1, Number 3, September 2018. Page 129-136.
  21. Aini , N and Hariyadi, P. Utilization of Modified White Corn Starch in Producing Marshmallow Cream. Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry 3 (2), 40-46
  22. Khusnayaini, A. A., Hariyadi, P. and Syamsir, E. 2018.  Kinetic changes of antioxidant capacity and physical quality of tempe during heating.  International Food Research Journal 25(3): 1166-1173 (June 2018)
  23. Hariyadi, P.  2018. Desain Saniter untuk Bangunan dan Fasilitas Industri Pangan: FOODREVIEW INDONESIA, VOL. XIII/NO. 7 . July 2017.38-41.
  24. Nurhasanah, S. Wulandari, N, Munarso, S.J,  Hariyadi, P. 2017. Stabilitas Oksidasi Lipida Terstruktur  Berbasis Minyak Kelapa dan Minyak Kelapa Sawit  Oxidative Stability of Structured Lipid  Based on Coconut Oil and Palm Oil.  Buletin Palma Volume 18 No. 2, Desember 2017: 53 – 62
  25. Marpaung, A.A. Andarwulan, N., Hariyadi, P., and  Faridah, D.N.  2017. The colour degradation of anthocyanin-rich extract from butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) petal in various solvents at pH. Natural Product Research. March 2017
  26. Arief R. Affandi, A.R., Andarwulan,N, and Hariyadi, P. 2017.Pengaruh Waktu dan Suhu Gliserolisis terhadap Sifat Kimia Mono-Diasilgliserol pada Skala Pilot Plant. J. Teknol. Dan Industri Pangan. Vol 28(2): 159-168.
List of patents over the last 5 years
  1. Accepted date: 20 October 2017.  Patent Number: IDS000003184.  Title: Metode Pembuatan Tepung Jagung Putih Lokal dengan Teknik Fermentasi (Method of Making Local White Corn Flour with Fermentation Technique).
  2. Accepted date: 16 December 2016.  Patent Number: IDP000072600.  Title: Proses Penggandaan Emulsifier Mono- Diasilgliserol (Scaling-Up Process of Emulsifier Mono-Diacylglycerol).
Industrial consultancy/ collaborations over the last 5 years
  1. Thermal Process Validation
  2. Shelf-Life determination
  3. Food Safety/Quality Regulatory Issues
  4. Codex Alimentarius Commission
  5. consequatur.
Professional memberships
  1. CODEX National Committee (member, since: 2010)
  2. Indonesian Academy of Sciences, Commission of Engineering Sciences (Fellow: since 2012)
  3. Indonesian Food Technologists Association (IFT, USA, Member, since: 1984; past president: 2006-2008, and 2008-2010)
  4. Indonesian Palm Oil Society (Member, since: 2003; past president: 2005-2009)
  5. Institute for Thermal Process Specialist (IFTPS, USA. Member, since: 2000)
  6. International Academy of Food Science and Technology (Fellow, since 2016).
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