Food Chemistry Division
Research interest
Publication index
RD Astuti, DLN Fibri, DD Handoko, W David, S Budijanto, H Shirakawa.2022. The Volatile Compounds and Aroma Description in Various Rhizopus oligosporus Solid-State Fermented and Nonfermented Rice Bran. Fermentation, 8 (3), 120 |
DA Shabayek, R Rimbawan, S Budijanto. 2022. The potential of red kidney beans and brown rice-based flakes for breakfast to reduce obesity. Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society, 10(1), pp. 1–14 |
F Kusnandar, T Kharisma, ND Yuliana, S Budijanto. 2022. The Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Analogue Rice with the Addition of Rice Bran. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal 10 (1) |
Sukarno Sukarno, Dwyana Izza Augusta, Azis Boing Sitanggang, Afwa Nururrahmah Munawaroh, Slamet Budijanto. 2022. Pengembangan Sereal Sarapan Tersubstitusi Bekatul dan Tepung Pisang. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 27 (1), 76-84 |
S Noviasari, F Kusnandar, A Setiyono, S Budijanto. 2022. Antioxidant activity and inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase in fermented black rice bran-based analog rice. AIMS Agriculture and Food 7 (1), 61-72 |
H Munarko, AB Sitanggang, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto.2022. Germination of five Indonesian brown rice: evaluation of antioxidant, bioactive compounds, fatty acids and pasting properties. Food Science and Technology 42(1) |
AB Sitanggang, NZ Firdausi, S Budijanto.2021. Antioxidant activity of a mixture of water-soluble tempeh extract with whey powder that has undergone a Maillard reaction. Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society 9 (5) |
NA Putri, RA Riyanto, S Budijanto, S Raharja.2021.Studi awal perbaikan kualitas tepung Talas Beneng (Xanthosoma undipes K. Koch) sebagai potensi produk unggulan Banten. Journal of Tropical AgriFood 3 (2) |
W AMRINOLA, AB SITANGGANG, F KUSNANDAR, S BUDIJANTO.2022. Characterization of pigmented and non-pigmented flakes glutinous rice (ampiang) on chemical compositions, free fatty acids compositions, amino acids. Food Science and Technology, 42(1). |
AB Sitanggang, M Joshua, H Munarko, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto. 2021. Increased γ-Aminobutyric Acid Content of Germinated Brown Rice Produced in Membrane Reactor. Food Technology and Biotechnology 59 (3), 295-305 |
YR Kurniawan, N Pakpahan, YA Purwanto, N Purwanti, S Budijanto.2021. Stabilitas Beras Analog Berdasarkan Pola Kadar Air Kesetimbangan. JURNAL PANGAN 30 (2), 87–98-87–98 |
H Munarko, AB Sitanggang, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto. 2021. Effect of different soaking and germination methods on bioactive compounds of germinated brown rice. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 56 (9), 4540-4548 |
S Haryati, Sukarno, S Budijanto, E Prangdimurti. 2021. Bioactive peptides from hydrolysates of Indonesian catfish protein isolate: characterization and properties of its antioxidant capacity. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 14 (4), 1990-1999 |
W El Kiyat, SD Astuti, S Budijanto, E Syamsir. 2021. Potential of lacto-N-biose I as a prebiotic for infant health: A review Communications in Science and Technology 6 (1), 18-24 |
A Andika, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto. 2021. Karakteristik fisikokimia dan sensori beras analog multigrain berprotein tinggi Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan 32 (1), 60-71 |
A Ardiansyah, W David, D Handoko, S Budijanto, H Shirakawa. 2021.The Bioactivity of Indonesian Fermented Rice Bran. Current Developments in Nutrition 5 (Supplement_2), 573-573 |
Afifah Zahra Agista, Tubagus Bahtiar Rusbana, Jahidul Islam, Yusuke Ohsaki, Halima Sultana, Ryota Hirakawa, Kouichi Watanabe, Tomonori Nochi, S Budijanto, Suh-Ching Yang, Takuya Koseki, Hisashi Aso, Michio Komai, Hitoshi Shirakawa. 2021. Fermented rice bran supplementation prevents the development of intestinal fibrosis due to DSS-induced inflammation in mice. Nutrients 13 (6), 1869 |
Annisa Nada, Nuraini Tiara Indah Rahmawati, Annisa Oktriani, Wahyudi David, Rizki Maryam Astuti, Dody Dwi Handoko, Bram Kusbiantoro, S Budijanto, Hitoshi Shirakawa. 2021. Volatile compounds, sensory profile and phenolic compounds in fermented rice bran. Plants 10 (6), 1073 |
E Hastarini, SZ Khamidah, D Fardiaz, S Budijanto. 2021. Characteristics of the Encapsulated Unsaturated Fatty Acid Concentrate of Catfish Oil (Pangasius sp.). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 750 (1), 012049 |
AA Amar, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto. 2021. Karakteristik Fisikokimia Tepung Ubi Banggai dan Aplikasinya Dalam Beras Analog. Jurnal Mutu Pangan: Indonesian Journal of Food Quality 8 (1), 43-52. |
F Kusnandar, MA Kumalasari, A Suswantinah, S Safrida, S Budijanto. 2021. ANALISIS MUTU FISIK DAN SENSORI PREMIX KERNEL SEBAGAI FORTIFIKAN BERAS FORTIFIKASI. Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 15 (1), 220-233 |
AB Sitanggang, J Sumitra, S Budijanto. 2021. Continuous production of tempe-based bioactive peptides using an automated enzymatic membrane reactor. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 68, 102639 |
H Munarko, S Budijanto, AB Sitanggang, F Kusnandar. 2021. Pengaruh Waktu Perendaman Beras terhadap Profil Gelatinisasi dan Komponen Bioaktif Tepung Beras Pecah Kulit Berkecambah. JURNAL PANGAN 30 (3), 187-198 |
W Amrinola, AB Sitanggang, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto. 2021. Characterization of three cultivars of Indonesian glutinous rice: a basis for developing rice-based functional food. The Annals of the University of Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI. Food Technology 45(1): 141-156 |
AB Sitanggang, JE Putri, NS Palupi, E Hatzakis, E Syamsir, S Budijanto. 2021. Enzymatic Preparation of Bioactive Peptides Exhibiting ACE Inhibitory Activity from Soybean and Velvet Bean: A Systematic Review. Molecules 26 (13), 3822 |
SB Sukarno, Cinta Wahyu Al Istiqomah Sugiarti, S Budijanto. 2021. Pengembangan Formula Sereal Sarapan Berbasis Beras Hitam Pecah Kulit, Kacang Merah, dan Wijen. Pangan 29 (3), 181-190 |
B Suarti, Sukarno, Ardiansyah, S Budijanto. 2021. Bio-active compounds, their antioxidant activities, and the physicochemical and pasting properties of both pigmented and non-pigmented fermented de-husked rice flour. AIMS Agriculture and Food 6 (1), 49-65 |
Ardiansyah Ardiansyah, Fauziyyah Ariffa, Rizki Maryam Astuti, Wahyudi David, Dody Dwi Handoko, S. Budijanto, Hitoshi Shirakawa. 2021. Non-volatile compounds and blood pressure-lowering activity of Inpari 30 and Cempo Ireng fermented and non-fermented rice bran. AIMS Agriculture and Food 6 (1), 337-359 |
RZ Rasyda, T Muhandri, S Budijanto. 2020. PROFIL GELATINISASI DAN KOMPONEN ANTIOKSIDAN TEPUNG KETAN HITAM TERMODIFIKASI DENGAN ANNEALING. Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 31 (2), 164-170 |
AB Sitanggang, R Alexander, S Budijanto. 2020. The utilization of bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi) and lime (Citrus aurantifolia) juices as natural acid coagulants for tofu production. Journal of Food Science and Technology 57 (12), 4660-4670 |
S Safrida, S Budijanto, L Nuraida, BP Priosoeryanto. 2020. Potency of Bioactive Compound of Rice Bran for Colon Cancer Prevention KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 16 (2), 284-295 |
H Munarko, S Budijanto, AB Sitanggang, F Kusnandar. 2020. Characteristics of Brown Rive var. Inpari 43 and Sonication Treatments for Extraction of Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents. Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings, 52-56 |
AB Sitanggang, M Lesmana, S Budijanto. 2020. Membrane-based preparative methods and bioactivities mapping of tempe-based peptides. Food Chemistry 329, 127193 |
F Kusnandar, FS Budi, Y Regiyana, S Budijanto. 2020. Pengembangan Butiran Premiks untuk Fortifikasi Zat Besi dalam Beras. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 25 (4), 592-598 |
F Kusnandar, S Suryani, S Budijanto. 2020. Karakteristik Fungsional, Fisik dan Sensori Sereal Sarapan Jagung yang Disubstitusi Bekatul. Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 9 (3), 108-117 |
W David, S Budijanto, J Kahl, C Strassner. 2020. Bioactive Compounds and Sensory Properties of Organic Rice: The Impact of Degree of Milling. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal 8 (2), 391-401 |
Tubagus Bahtiar Rusbana, Afifah Zahra Agista, Wahyu Dwi Saputra, Yusuke Ohsaki, Kouichi Watanabe, Ardy Ardiansyah, Slamet Budijanto, Takuya Koseki, Hisashi Aso, Michio Komai, Hitoshi Shirakawa. 2020. Supplementation with fermented rice bran attenuates muscle atrophy in a diabetic rat model. Nutrients 12 (8), 2409 |
TH Anindita, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto. 2020. Sifat fisikokimia dan sensoris beras analog jagung dengan penambahan tepung kedelai. Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 31 (1), 29-37 |
W David, S Budijanto, C Strassner. 2020. Sensory evaluation and nutritional information on organic brown rice. Organic Agriculture 10 (2), 243-252 |
S Budijanto, Reza Widyasaputra, Elvira Syamsir. 2020. COLOR AND HARDNESS COMPARISON BETWEEN PARBOILED AND NORMAL BLACK RICE. Food Scien Tech Journal 1 (2), 78-82 |
R Widyasaputra, E Syamsir, S Budijanto. 2020. The changes of moisture content, total phenolic content and pasting profile caused by parboiling process of black rice. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 443 (1), 012004 |
S Budijanto, Indah Kurniasari, Feri Kusnandar. 2020. Karakteristik Fisik Beras Analog Instan Berbasis Tepung Jagung dengan Penambahan k-Karagenan dan Konjak. Agritech 40 (1), 64-73 |
Sukarno, N Kushandita, S Budijanto. 2020. Karakterisasi sifat fisikokimia sereal berbasis tepung beras merah pecah kulit. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 25 (1), 81-86 |
H Munarko, AB Sitanggang, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto. 2020. Phytochemical, fatty acid and proximal composition of six selected Indonesian brown rice varieties. CyTA-Journal of Food 18 (1), 336-343 |
S Haryati, Sukarno, S Budijanto, E Prangdimurti. 2020. Characterization of functional properties catfish protein isolates (Clarias sp.). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 404 (1), 012031 |
SZ Khamidah, E Hastarini, D Fardiaz, S Budijanto. 2019. Mikroenkapsulasi konsentrat asam lemak tak jenuh dari minyak ikan patin. Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 30 (2), 143-151 |
Suh-Ching Yang, Wen-Ching Huang, Xin Er Ng, Mon-Chien Lee, Yi-Ju Hsu, Chi-Chang Huang, Hai-Hsin Wu, Chiu-Li Yeh, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Slamet Budijanto, Te-Hsuan Tung, Yu-Tang Tung. 2019. Rice bran reduces weight gain and modulates lipid metabolism in rats with high-energy-diet-induced obesity. Nutrients 11 (9), 2033 |
S Noviasari, F Kusnandar, A Setiyono, FS Budi, S Budijanto. 2019. Profile of Phenolic Compounds, DPPH-Scavenging and Anti a-Amylase Activity of Black Rice Bran Fermented with Rhizopus oligosporus. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 42 (2) |
R Widyasaputra, E Syamsir, S Budijanto. 2019. Optimization of Process Parameters of Parboiled Black Rice Using Response Surface Methodology. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal 7 (1), 102-111 |
H Munarko, AB Sitanggang, F Kusnandar, S Budijanto. 2019. Kecambah Beras Pecah Kulit: Proses Produksi Dan Karakteristiknya. JURNAL PANGAN 28 (3), 239–252-239–252 |
T Yuniarti, Sukarno, ND Yuliana, S Budijanto. 2018. Inhibition of enzymatic browning by onion (Allium cepa L.): Investigation on inhibitory mechanism and identification of active compounds. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science 6 (3), 770 |
Kezia Janice Harimadi1 , Milka, Warsono El Kiyat , dan Slamet Budijanto. 2018. Potensi Pemanfaatan Asparaginase dalam Produksi Keripik Kentang dan Singkong Rendah Akrilamida. JURNAL PANGAN 27 (1), 67-78 |
T Yuniati, S Sukarno, ND Yuliana, S Budijanto. 2018. Aktivitas Penghambatan Ekstrak Berbagai Jenis Bawang Terhadap Pembentukan Blackspot Pada Udang Vaname Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan 29 (1), 102-109 |
YR Kurniawan, YA Purwanto, N Purwanti, S Budijanto. 2018. Measurement of Moisture Sorption Isotherm by DVS Hydrosorb. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 147 (1), 012017 |
I Mulyawanti, S Budijanto, S Yasni. 2018. Stability of anthocyanin during processing, storage and simulated digestion of purple sweet potato pasta. Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science 19 (1), 1-8 |
AB Sitanggang, S Budijanto, Marisa. 2018. Physicochemical characteristics of starch from Indonesian Numbu and Genjah sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Cogent Food & Agriculture 4 (1), 1429093 |
KE Zulfafamy, A Ardiansyah, S Budijanto. 2018. Antioxidative properties and cytotoxic activity against colon cancer cell WiDr of Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus oligosporus-fermented black rice bran extract. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science 6 (01), 23-34 |
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