0251-8626725     dfst@apps.ipb.ac.id

Dr. Muhammad Arpah​

Food process engineering


arpah@apps.ipb.ac.id;  arpahsaleng@yahoo.com

Research interest

    1. Shelf Life (Open Dating) Determination and Regulation
    2. Predictive Microbiology
    3. Intrincic and Extrinsic Quality of Foods
    4. Food Quality Management

Dr. Muhammad Arpah​


    1. BSc (Food Technology, IPB-Indonesia), 1984
    2. AEA (Science Alimentaire, Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France), 1988 
    3. MSc (Food Science, IPB-Indonesia), 1998
    4. PhD (Food Science, IPB-Indonesia),), 2003
List of publications over the last 5 years

Food Quality Management System (Text book in Indonesian), 2022. PT. Penerbit IPB Press. ISBN: 978-623-256-937-9.

List of patents over the last 5 years


Industrial consultancy/ collaborations over the last 5 years


Professional memberships

PATPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia – The Indonesian Association of Food Technologists)

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