0251-8626725     dfst@apps.ipb.ac.id

Prof.Dr. Made Astawan​

Professor, Head Division of Food Biochemistry



Area of Expertise:
Biochemistry and nutrition

Research Interest:

    1. Applied nutrition for various groups
    2. Bioactive compounds for degenerative deseases prevention
    3. Food nutrification
    4. Benefits functional foods
    5. Evaluation of the nutritional value of food (fish and traditional food)



Prof.Dr. Made Astawan​


    1. BSc (Human Nutrition, IPB-Indonesia), 1985.
    2. MSc (Food Science, IPB – Indonesia), 1990
    3. PhD (Food chemistry and nutrition, Tokyo University of Agriculture – Japan), 1995
Publication index:

List of publications over the last 5 years

    1. Rahmawati D, Putri SP, Astawan M, Fukusaki E.  2021.  Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolite profiling and sensory profile of Indonesian fermented food (Tempe) from various legumes.  Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 132(5): 487-495
    2. Abdurrasyid Z, Astawan M, Wresdiyati T, Nurtama B, dan Sirait YIS.  2021. Physicochemical and sensory quality of tempe powdered drink.  Jurnal Pangan.  30(2): 117-128
    3. Salsabila, Palupi NS, Astawan M.  2021 The potential of corn silk as a functional drink.  Jurnal Pangan.  30(2): 137-146
    4. Vandenplas Y, Hegar B, Munasir Z, Astawan M, Juffrie M, Bardosono S, Sekartini R, Basrowi RW, Wasito E.  2021. The role of soy plant-based formula supplemented with dietary fiber to support children’s growth and development: An expert opinion.  Nutrition 90: 1-5
    5. Rachmawati N, Astawan M, Wresdiyati T. 2021. Haematological and biochemical serum profiles of experimental rats fed with GMO and non-GMO soybean. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Supp. 1): 167-176
    6. Astawan M, Wresdiyati T, Subarna, Asyaifullah K  2020.  Calcium bioavailability of tempe and boiled soybean flours and its effect on osfemurs in experimental rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 66 (Supp.): S314-319
    7. Astawan M, Wresdiyati T, Purnomo EH, Purwanto A. 2020. Equivalence test between the physicochemical properties of transgenic and non-transgenic soy flour. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 66 (Supp.): S286-294
    8. Kadar AD, Astawan M, Putri SP, Fukusaki E.  2020.  Metabolomics based study of the effect of raw materials to the end product of tempe—an Indonesian fermented soybean.  Metabolites 10(367): 1-11
    9. Astawan M, Wresdiyati T, Yoshari RM, Rachmawati NA, Fadilla R. 2020.  The physicochemical properties of tempe protein isolated from germinated and non-germinated soybeans. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Supp.): S215-221
    10. Kusumawati I, Astawan M, Prangdimurti E. 2020. Efisiensi Proses Produksi dan Karakteristik Tempe dari Kedelai Pecah Kulit (Production Process Efficiency and Characteristic of Tempe from Dehulled Soybean). Jurnal Pangan 29 (2), 117-126
    11. Puspitasari A, Astawan M, Wresdiyati T.  2020. The effect of soybeans germination on proximate composition and isoflavones bioactive components of fresh and semangit tempe.  Jurnal Pangan 29(1): 25-34
    12. Cahyani A P, Maulidiyanti L, Wresdiyati T, Astawan M.  2020. Comparison of physicochemical characteristics and amino acid composition of water-soluble tempe flour and commercial soybean protein isolate. Jurnal Pangan 29(1): 45-54
    13. Astawan M, Prayudani APG.  2020. The overview of food technology to process soy protein isolate and its application toward food industry.  World Nutrition Journal: 12-17
    14. Astawan M, Rahmawati IS, Cahyani AP, Wresdiyati T, Putri SP, Fukusaki E.  2020. Comparison between the potential of tempe flour made from germinated and nongerminated soybeans in preventing diabetes mellitus. Hayati Journal of Bioscience 27(1): 17-23
    15. Yoshari RM, Aini AN, Prangdimurti E, Wresdiyati T, Astawan M.  2019.  Effects of germinated and non-germinated soybean tempe consumption onblood profile of diabetic rats. Jurnal Pangan 28(2): 135-144.
    16. Firdaus M, Astawan M, Wresdiyati T. 2019. Effect of Sargassum echinocarpum extract on Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase expression in liver and kidney of diabetic rats. AIP Conference Proceedings 2120 (1), 070018
    17. Supriatna D, Uray AD, Astawan M, Muchtadi D, Wresdiyati T. 2018. The Effect of VCO Processing Method on Blood Glucose, Cholesterol and Pancreatic Profile of Diabetic Mellitus Rats (Sprague Dawley). Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian 35 (2), 91-98
    18. Astawan M, Mardhiyyah YS, Wijaya CH. 2018. Potential of bioactive components in tempe for the treatment of obesity. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan 13 (2), 79-86
    19. Wresdiyati T, Werdhiwat Pi, Astawan M. 2018. The profile of spermatogenic cells and superoxide dismutase in the testis of rats under boiled grobogan tempe and soybean flour treatmen. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 196 (1), 012031
    20. Puteri NE, Astawan M, Palupi NS, Wresdiyati T, Takagi Y.  2018. Chacterization of biochemical and functional properties of water-soluble tempe flour. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 38(Suppl. 1): 147-153
    21. Kadar AD, Aditiawati P, Astawan M, Putri SP, Fukusaki E.  2018. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry-based metabolomics for the classification of tempe from different regions and production processes in Indonesia. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 126(3): 411-416

List of patents over the last 5 years

    1. Astawan M, Wresdiyati T, Winarsih W, Abdurrasyid Z.  2020.  Konsentrat Protein Tempe dan Metode Pembuatannya.  (S00202007216)
    2. Astawan M, Wresdiyati T, Cahyani AP, Abdurrasyid Z.  2020.  Metode Pembuatan Tepung Tempe Bosok yang Memiliki Aktivitas Hipoglikemik.  (P00202007296)
    3. Wresdiyati T, Sa’diah S, Astawan M. 2021. Metode Ekstraksi Daun Undis, Jahe Merah dan Jahe Emprit sebagai Antihiperkolesterolemia.  (S00202105624)
    4. Wresdiyati T, Sa’diah S, Astawan M. 2020. Komposisi Herbal Antidiabetes dan Antioksidan yang Mengandung Ekstrak Daun Undis dan Ekstrak Jahe. (S00202008898)
    5. Astawan M, Wresdiyati T, Nurtama B, Yoshari RM, Nutria FM.  2019.  Formulasi dan Metode Pembuatan Minuman Serbuk Tempe sebagai Penurun Kolesterol dan Tekanan Darah. (P00201911467)
    6. Astawan M, Wresdiyati T, Prangdimurti E, Yoshari RM.  2019.  Isolat Protein Tempe Kedelai Tergerminasi dan Metode Pembuatannya. (P00201911468)
    7. Astawan M, Wresdiyati T, Yoshari RM.  2018.   Metode Pembuatan Isolat Protein Tempe dan Produk yang Dihasilkannya (IDP000077811)
    8. Muhandri T,  Astawan M, Saini A.  2017.   Proses Pembuatan Selai Kurma. (IDP000073808

Industrial consultancy/ collaborations over the last 5 years

    1. PT. Nutrifood Indonesia
    2. PT. Kalbe Nutrisional

Professional memberships

    1. PATPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia – The Indonesian Association of Food Technologists)
    2. Chairman of Indonesian Tempe Forum
    3. Members of the Working Group on Food Security, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia
    4. Perhimpunan Penggiat Pangan Fungsional dan Nutrasetikal Indonesia (P3FNI) – Indonesian Society for Functional Food and Nutraceutical (ISFFN).
    5. Board member of Food and Nutrition Society of Indonesia
    6. Member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) in the field of Food and Nutrition
    7. Technical team of Genetically Engineered Food Biosafety, 
    8. Expert team at the National Agency of Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia.


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