0251-8626725     dfst@apps.ipb.ac.id

International Mobility Program

Student mobility Program is offered to students of Food Technology Program to study in overseas universities or attend in any scientific events abroad in order to expose students to international academic environment. 

Credit earning program
This student earning program accommodates food technology student to partly study in other universities abroad as a reciprocal act of the Department’s acceptance of students from the partner institution. The Department is currently joining ASEAN-Japan international mobility program coordinated by the Directorate General of Higher Education in member countries. Students may study for a semester in universities in Thailand (Mae Fah Luang Univertsity , Katssesart University, Prince Songkla University), Malaysia (Universiti Putra Malaysia, University Teknologi Mara, University Sains Malaysia), Vietnam (Nong Lam University), and Japan (Tsukuba University, Sophia University, Ibararaki University and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology). Through this program, the Department facilitates students to enroll in credit earning program for their major or elecetive courses. 

Internship in Food Industry, Research Center or other Institutions
Food technology students also may joins intership program in overseas food industries, research centers, govermental or non-govermental institutions.

Participation in International Events
Students participating in short courses, seminar, workshop, meeting, conferences, study visit and other types of gatjhering s will be acknowledged and awarded with academic credit or merit according to the Department’s procedure.

Participation in Cultural, Arts and Sports Activities
Students from the Department are supported to participate in cultural, arts and sports activities in foreign countries or other international institution that could enrich their soft skill.

Program for Overseas Students
The Department welcomes overseas students from similar areas to joint in our academic program. If you are interested to join to this student mobility program or full academic program, send your application to Head of Department of Food Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University.

Further Information
Further information of international mobility program of Department of Food Science and Technology, please contact Head of Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University.

Contact Person: Dr. Puspo Edi Giriwono (email: pegiriwono@gmail.com)

10 Dec, 2024
Posted inNews
Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan IPB Berhasil Meraih Akreditasi “Unggul” dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi

Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITP) IPB University kembali meraih pencapaian yang luar biasa. Empat program studi yang ada di Departemen ITP berhasil memperoleh akreditasi  Read More »

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