0251-8626725     dfst@apps.ipb.ac.id

Department Development Program

To realize its vision, missions and objectives, the Department of Food Science and Technology has committed to continuously increase the quality of education (teaching, research and outreach) programs to fulfill the stakeholder satisfaction. To achieve its commitments, the Department designed a Department Development Plan as follows:

(1) Continuously improving the quality of incoming undergraduate and graduate students by striving for a higher diversity with respect to gender and geographical distribution; (2) Continuously improving teaching and learning processes through continuous evaluation, clarification and refinement of learning outcomes to achieve the highest possible quality of graduates; (3) Enriching students with current developments in food science and technology and international exposure through facilitating student participation in student mobility program; (4) Developing curricular and co-curricular programs that facilitate students to increase their success skills; (5) Implementing education programs to meet international standards, especially maintaining approval status of Food Technology Undergraduate from Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST); (6) Developing international progam in Food Technology (for undergraduate Program) and Food Science (for master and doctorate Program).

(1) Conducting research relevant to national needs, especially related to national food security and food safety programs, through developing collaborative research programs with government institutions, private sectors and other national and international agencies; (2) Facilitating faculty members to seek competitive research grants scheme from national and international funding sources; (3) Continuously improving staff performance and commitment to produce high quality research by enhancing supportive academic atmosphere and optimizing the Department resources and facilities; (4) Increasing the quality and number of research, research publications published in accredited national journals, high impact international scientific journals, and patents/intellectual property rights receiving national and international recognition.

Community Services
(1) Strengthening national and international networking with government institutions and food industries; (2) Increasing the quality of outreach programs relevant to stakeholder needs; (3) Disseminating concepts, inventions and applicative technology for further development by small, medium dan large scale food industries; and (4) Contributing to develop capacity building of government officers and food industry employees.

Key Performance Indicators
The department performance in education, research and outreach programs is measured by following key performance indicators: (1) Average GPA; (2)  Average length of study; (3) Average waiting time for the first job; (4) Percentage of graduates working in food and food related industry, (4) Number of research grant; (5) NUmber of publication in peer reviewed national/international journals; (6) NUmber of national/international collaboration (education, research and outreach), (7) NUmber of inventions/technologies adopted.

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