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Dr. Puspo Edi Giriwono​

Food Biochemistry

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Research interest 

    1. Immune-modulating bioactive compounds.
    2. Functional plant lipids/fats 
    3. Chemical Hazard/Food Safety Probabilistic Risk Assessments

Dr. Puspo Edi Giriwono​


    1. BSc (Food Technology, IPB-Indonesia), 2003.
    2. M.Agr (Molecular Biology / Nutrition, Tohoku University), 2008
    3. Ph.D (Molecular Biology / Nutrition, Tohoku University), 2012

Publication index:

    1. Scopus h-index: 10 (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35274949900
    2. Google Scholar h-index: 12 (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0Q-Q_eAAAAAJ&hl=en)
List of publications over the last 5 years
  1. Agustina, Rina, R. Noor, R. D. E. Widjayanti, L. Nuraida, N. Ratna, L. S. Nofi, and P. E. Giriwono. 2018. “Kajian Manfaat Pangan Fungsional Setelah Terpenuhinya Gizi Seimbang.” Pra-Widyakarya Nasional Pangan Dan Gizi Hotel Kartika Chandra, 22-23 Mei 2018, 2018, 22–23.
  2. Aliwikarta, Kuswanto, Nurheni Sri Palupi, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2016. “Prevalensi Penyakit Kanker Di Indonesia Berdasarkan Pola Konsumsi Pangan Dan Gaya Hidup.” Jurnal Mutu Pangan: Indonesian Journal of Food Quality 3, no. 1 (2016): 71–78.
  3. Andriani, Cynthia, Chutamat Niwat, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2019 “Development of Functional Drink from Local Fruits: Gac Fruit (Momordica Cochinchinensis Spreng), Tomato, and Pattawiya Pineapple.” In ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 75:151–151. KARGER ALLSCHWILERSTRASSE 10, CH-4009 BASEL, SWITZERLAND, 2019.
  4. Ardiansyah, Ardiansyah, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Puspo E. Giriwono, Kazuki Oguchi, Kazuma Ueda, Hideki Hokazono, Kazuyuki Hiwatashi, Saori Takahashi, Shoko Sato, and Michio Komai. 2017. “Peer Review: Fermented Barley Extract Supplementation Ameliorates Metabolic State in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SWA & SB),”.
  5. Ardiansyah, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Puspo E. Giriwono, Kazuki Oguchi, Kazuma Ueda, Hideki Hokazono, Kazuyuki Hiwatashi, Saori Takahashi, Shoko Sato, and Michio Komai. 2015. “Fermented Barley Extract Supplementation Ameliorates Metabolic State in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.” Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 79, no. 11 : 1876–83.
  6. Chalid, Sri Yadial, Dahrul Syah, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Fransiska Rungkat, and Zakaria Zakaria. 2019. “Profil Dan Sensitivitas Protein Alergen Ikan Tongkol (Thunnus Albacares) Sebagai Reagen Skin Prick Test (SPT).” Jurnal Kimia Valensi 5, no. 1 : 44–55.
  7. Chalid, Sri Yadial, Dahrul Syah, Puspo Edi Giriwono, and Fransiska Rungkat Zakaria. 2017. “Pengembangan Ekstrak Protein Udang Jerbung (Penaeus Merquiensis) Lokal Indonesia Sebagai Reagent Uji Alergi Dengan Metode Skin Prick Test (SPT).” JURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA 13, no. 2: 205–15.
  8. Chalid, Sri Yadial, Dahrul Syah, Puspo Edi Giriwono, and Fransiska Rungkat Zakaria. 2015. “The Development Extract Protein of Bambara Nut (Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdc.) As a Reagent for Detecting Food Allergies on Skin Prick Test Method.” IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy 5, no. 3 : 34–40.
  9. Chalid, Sri Yadial, Fransiska R. Zakaria, Dahrul Syah, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2020. “Sensitivitas Ekstrak Protein Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Sebagai Larutan Uji Tusuk Kulit.” Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian 37, no. 2 : 124–32.
  10. Erfan, Dias, Lilis Nuraida, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2021. RISIKO PAPARAN KADMIUM DARI COKELAT BATANG PADA KONSUMEN DI INDONESIA. Penelitian Gizi Dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research) 44, no. : 59–70.
  11. Farida, E., B. S. L. Jenie, L. Nuraida, and P. E. Giriwono. 2019. Antioxidant and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities of Ethanol Extract from Indigenous Lactic Acid Bacteria Culture.” Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan 30, no. 1 : 56–63.
  12. Farida, Eko, Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, Lilis Nuraida, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2019. Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Penghambatan α-Glukosidase Oleh Ekstrak Etanol Bakteri Asam Laktat Indigenus.” Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan 30, no. 1 : 56–63.
  13. Farida, Eko, Lilis Nuraida, Puspo E. Giriwono, and Betty SL Jenie. 2020. “Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Reduces Blood Glucose Level through Downregulation of Gluconeogenesis Gene Expression in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.” International Journal of Food Science 2020.
  14. Febriane, Nesya Nova, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Sutrisno Koswara, and Endang Prangdimurti. 2015. “Suplementasi Mikroenkapsulat Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Kbm) Menurunkan Kadar Malonaldehida Hati Tikus.” Nutrition and Food Research 38, no. 1 : 61–70.
  15. Giriwono, Puspo E., Takuya Hashimoto, Yusuke Ohsaki, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Hideki Hokazono, and Michio Komai. 2010. “Extract of Fermented Barley Attenuates Chronic Alcohol Induced Liver Damage by Increasing Antioxidative Activities.” Food Research International 43, no. 1 (2010): 118–24.
  16. Giriwono, Puspo E., Hitoshi Shirakawa, Yusuke Ohsaki, Shoko Sato, Yukihide Aoyama, Hsin-Jung Ho, Tomoko Goto, and Michio Komai. 2019 “Geranylgeraniol Suppresses the Expression of IRAK1 and TRAF6 to Inhibit NFκB Activation in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Responses in Human Macrophage-like Cells.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20, no. 9 : 2320.
  17. Giriwono, Puspo Edi, and Stefanus Indrayana. 2015. Gerakan Scaling-up Nutrition (SUN): Meningkatkan Kerjasama Kemitraan Multi Stakholder Dalam Mengatasi Tantangan Kekurangan Zat Gizi Di Indonesia” Jurnal Mutu Pangan: Indonesian Journal of Food Quality 2, no. 1: 74–79.
  18. Saraswati, Giriwono, Puspo Edi, Diah Iskandriati, and Nuri Andarwulan. 2021. Screening of In-Vitro Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Activity of Sargassum Ilicifolium Crude Lipid Extracts from Different Coastal Areas in Indonesia. Marine Drugs 19, no. 5 : 252.
  19. Saraswati, Giriwono, Puspo Edi, Diah Iskandriati, Chin Ping Tan, and Nuri Andarwulan. 2020. In-Vitro Anti-Inflammatory Activity, Free Radical (DPPH) Scavenging, and Ferric Reducing Ability (FRAP) of Sargassum Cristaefolium Lipid-Soluble Fraction and Putative Identification of Bioactive Compounds Using UHPLC-ESI-ORBITRAP-MS/MS. Food Research International 137: 109702.
  20. Saraswati, Giriwono PE, Iskandriati D, Tan CP, Andarwulan N. 2019. Sargassum Seaweed as a Source of Anti-Inflammatory Substances and the Potential Insight of the Tropical Species: A Review. Marine Drugs 17, no. 10 : 590.
  21. Hanifah, Ishmah, Fauzia Izzati, Siti Irma Rahmawati, Joko Hermanianto, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Yatri Hapsari, Fauzy Rahman, Eris Septiana, and Partomuan Simanjuntak. 2021. “OPTIMASI SELULASE PADA ENZYME ASSISTED EXTRACTION LEMAK DARI Caulerpa Lentillifera SEGAR MENGGUNAKAN RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY.” Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 13, no. 1 : 19–37.
  22. Hartuti, Wiwi, Nuri Andarwulan, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2020 “Kajian Paparan Dan Risiko 3-MCPDE Dan GE Dari Produk Formula Pada Bayi Usia 0-12 Bulan Di Indonesia Secara Probabilistik.” Jurnal Mutu Pangan: Indonesian Journal of Food Quality 7, no. 2 : 59–66.
  23. Herawati, D., P. E. Giriwono, F. N. A. Dewi, T. Kashiwagi, and N. Andarwulan. 2019. “Antioxidant, Anti-α-Glucosidase and Anti-Glycation Activities of Coffee Brew from Robusta Coffee Beans Roasted at Different Levels.” International Food Research Journal 26, no. 4.
  24. Herawati, Dian, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Fitriya Nur Annisa Dewi, Takehiro Kashiwagi, and Nuri Andarwulan. 2019. Critical Roasting Level Determines Bioactive Content and Antioxidant Activity of Robusta Coffee Beans. Food Science and Biotechnology 28, no. 1 : 7–14.
  25. ———. 2019. Three Major Compounds Showing Significant Antioxidative, α-Glucosidase Inhibition, and Antiglycation Activities in Robusta Coffee Brew. International Journal of Food Properties 22, no. 1 (2019): 994–1010.
  26. Ho, Hsin-Jung, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Puspo E. Giriwono, Asagi Ito, and Michio Komai. 2018. “A Novel Function of Geranylgeraniol in Regulating Testosterone Production.” Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 82, no. 6 : 956–62.
  27. Lidwina, Lidwina, Puspo Edi Giriwono, and Rimbawan Rimbawan. 2018 “Pengembangan Mi Kering Berbahan Dasar Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L.) Sebagai Pangan Fungsional Tinggi Serat.” Jurnal Mutu Pangan: Indonesian Journal of Food Quality 5, no. 1 : 17–24.
  28. Lioe, Hanifah Nuryani, Puspo Edi Giriwono, and Dedi Fardiaz. 2021. Total Arsenic in Complementary Food and Its Exposure Assessment for Children Aged 6–24 Months. Food Control 122 (2021): 107786.
  29. Lioe, Hanifah Nuryani, Suyanto Suyanto, Puspo Edi Giriwono, and Dedi Fardiaz. 2021. “PENETAPAN KADAR TOTAL ARSENIK DALAM MAKANAN PENDAMPING AIR SUSU IBU DENGAN INSTRUMEN AAS-HVG: VERIFIKASI METODE DAN PERBANDINGAN PROGRAM MICROWAVE.” Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian 22, no. 2: 129–38.
  30. Listyaningrum, Ratna Sari, Didah Nur Faridah, Puspo Edi Giriwono, and Masayu Nur Ulfa. “Evaluation Of Glycemic Index Determination Method.” Evaluation 60, no. 80 (n.d.): 100.
  31. OKTAVIANY, Y., N. ANDARWULAN, and PE GIRIWONO. 2018. “Exposure Assessments of Benzoate Preservatives in Foods Consumed in Indonesia.” Asian Journal of Chemistry 30, no. 10 : 2241–48.
  32. Purnomo, E. H., P. E. Giriwono, D. Indrasti, A. S. Firlieyanti, and A. G. Kinasih. 2015. Thermal Inactivation Kinetics Parameter and Isolation of Staphylococcus Aureus on Drink from Green Grass Jelly and Roselle.” Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan 26, no. 1 : 124–33.
  33. Purnomo, Eko Hari, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Dias Indrasti, Antung Sima Firlieyanti, and Andini Giwang Kinasih. 2015. “Parameter Kinetika Inaktivasi Termal Dan Isolasi Staphylococcus Aureus Pada Minuman Dari Gel Cincau Hijau Dan Rosela.” Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan 26, no. 1 : 124–33.
  34. Putranto, Wendry Setiyadi, S. Kusmajadi, C. Hartati, Z. M. Apon, E. G. Puspo, D. K. Harsi, and T. S. Maggy. 2017. Enterococcus Faecium 1.15 Isolated from Bakasam Showed Milk Clotting Activity. In Annales Bogoriensis, 21:9–14.
  35. Putranto, Wendry Setiyadi, Maggy Thenawidjaja Suhartono, Harsi Dewantari Kusumaningrum, Puspo Edi Giriwono, and Apon Zaenal Mustopa. 2020. “A Novel Rennin like Protease from Lactobacillus Plantarum 1.13 Isolated from Indonesian Fermented Meat (Bakasam).” Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 29 : 101818.
  36. RTR, Ayu Puspitalena, Nurheni Sri Palupi, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2015. Peranan Klaim Gizi Dan Kesehatan Pada Susu Pertumbuhan Sebagai Penentu Keputusan Pembelian. Jurnal Mutu Pangan: Indonesian Journal of Food Quality 2, no. 2 : 144–51.
  37. Saraswati, Gita Giantina, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Didah Nur Faridah, and Nuri Andarwulan. 2019. Water and Lipid-Soluble Component Profile of Sargassum Cristaefolium from Different Coastal Areas as Basic Knowledge for Selecting Anti-Inflammatory Potential Candidate.” In ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 75:265–66. KARGER ALLSCHWILERSTRASSE 10, CH-4009 BASEL, SWITZERLAND.
  38. Sari, Kartika, Nurheni Sri Palupi, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2021. SANITASI ALERGEN PADA PROSES PRODUKSI BISKUIT DALAM UPAYA MENGURANGI RESIDU ALERGEN TELUR. Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan 32, no. 2 : 136–47.
  39. Sembiring, Enny Rimita, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Satya Nugroho, and Maggy Thenawidjaja Suhartono. 2021. ANALISIS KOMPARATIF MINERAL MIKRO DAN ANTI NUTRISI PADA BERAS ANTARA PADI REKAYASA GENETIK DAN TETUANYA. Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI) 8, no. 2 : 220-229-220–29.
  40. Setyowati, Dyah, Nuri Andarwulan, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2018. “Processed and Ultraprocessed Food Consumption Pattern in the Jakarta Individual Food Consumption Survey 2014.” Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 27, no. 4 : 840–47.
  41. Shirakawa, Hitoshi, Keisuke Hirahara, S. Masayori, Puspo E. Giriwono, Tomoko Katsurai, Tomoko Goto, and Michio Komai. 2017. “EFFECT OF THE INGESTION OF VITAMIN K-DEFICIENT DIET ON GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN DIABETIC MODEL MICE.” In ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 71:480–480. KARGER ALLSCHWILERSTRASSE 10, CH-4009 BASEL, SWITZERLAND.
  42. Syahbanu, Fathma, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Raymond R. Tjandrawinata, and Maggy T. Suhartono. 2020. Molecular Analysis of a Fibrin-Degrading Enzyme from Bacillus Subtilis K2 Isolated from the Indonesian Soybean-Based Fermented Food Moromi. Molecular Biology Reports 47, no. 11 : 8553–63.
  43. SYAHBANU, Fathma, Puspo Edi GIRIWONO, Raymond R. TJANDRAWINATA, and Maggy T. SUHARTONO. 2021. Molecular Docking of Subtilisin K2, a Fibrin-Degrading Enzyme from Indonesian Moromi, with Its Substrates. Food Science and Technology.
  45. SYAHBANU, Fathma, Elisabeth Kezia, Narwastu Puera, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Raymond Ruby Tjandrawinata, and Maggy Thenawidjaja Suhartono. 2020. “Fibrinolytic Bacteria of Indonesian Fermented Soybean: Preliminary Study on Enzyme Activity and Protein Profile.” Food Science and Technology 40 : 458–65.
  46. Tarigan, Elsera Br, Dian Herawati, and Puspo Edi Giriwono. 2020. “Komponen Bioaktif Kopi Berpotensi Sebagai Antidiabetes/the Potency of Bioactive Compounds of Coffee as Antidiabetis.” Perspektif 19, no. 1 : 41–52.
  47. Yamada, Kotaro, Kazuma Ueda, Hitoshi Shirakawa, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Satoru Honda, Hidetomo Sakurai, and Michio Komai. 2020. The Effect of Liver Hydrolysate on Chronic Ethanol-Induced Hepatic Injury in Normal Rats.” Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 43, no. 3: 554–57.
  48. Yulianto, Wahid, Nuri Andarwulan, Puspo Edi Giriwono, and Joko Pamungkas. 2017. Bioactive Compounds from Torbangun [Plectranthus Amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng] Chloroform Fraction Induce Apoptosis in Breast Cancer (MCF-7 Cells) in Vitro. Majalah Obat Tradisional 22, no. 1 : 37–44.
  49. Wahid Yulianto, Nuri Andarwulan, Puspo Edi Giriwono, Joko Pamungkas. 2016. HPLC-Based Metabolomics to Identify Cytotoxic Compounds from Plectranthus Amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng against Human Breast Cancer MCF-7Cells. Journal of Chromatography B 1039 (2016): 28–34.
Industrial consultancy/ collaborations over the last 5 year
  1. Member of Indonesia Risk Assessment Center: Risk Assessment on contaminants in vegetable oil (2019 – 2020)
  2. Member of Indonesia Risk Assessment Center: Risk Assessment on contaminants in Infant formula and weaning food (MPASI) (2020 – 2021)
  3. Member of Indonesia Risk Assessment Center: Risk Assessment on Arsenic contaminants in Rice and Seafood (2021 – 2022)
  4. Member of Indonesia Risk Assessment Center: Risk Assessment on Nitrate in Food (2022 – present)
  5. Member of Functional Food Working Group, Indonesia Ministry of Health (2019 – present)
  6. Human Research Ethics Committee member, IPB University (2018 – present)
  7. Member of CPOPC Technical Working Group on 3-MCPDE & GE in Palm Oil (2018 – present)
  8. Ready To Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) development and production for Severly Acute Malnourished (SAM) Children in Indonesia, Ministry oh Health, UNICEF, SAVICA, GAIN (2020 – present)
Professional memberships
  1. The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), USA (Membership ID: 01203940)
  2. PATPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia – The Indonesian Association of Food Technologists)
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