The Doctorate Program in Food Science is designed for students who wish to study food science in greater depth and details and discover new findings. Food Science is defined as the science that applies the principles of biology, chemistry, physics and engineering to (1) transform raw agricultural products into processed food products suitable for human consumption, (2) study the characteristics of foods and or food components, (3) study the causes for the decline in food quality, (4) study the basic principles underpinning food processing and (5) improve food quality and safety to promote public health.
The Food Science Doctor Program is one of the graduate study programs in the Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University or Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). The study program has been evaluated and reviewed periodically by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) – Indonesia and based on these external evaluation, the Doctor Program has been awarded A accreditations.
The Doctorate Program in Food Science of Bogor Agricultural University is mandated to: (1) Develop high quality Doctorate Program in Food Science efficiently and effectively; (2) Develop independent, highly specialized, forward-thinking and broad-minded human resources who are competent and competitive at the international level; (3) Develop, discover and disseminate novel knowledge formulated from basic and advance science and technology in the field of food chemistry, food microbiology, food process engineering, and food biochemistry based on quality research on the distinct science of food in tropical agriculture.
The objective of the doctorate program of food sciences to produce doctorate graduates with competences to develop and create new knowledges based on the principles of food chemistry, food microbiology, food process engineering, and biochemistry of food through research based on local resources.
Areas of Specialization
Students of doctorate program in food science may select a specialization in the area of food chemistry, food microbiology, food process engineering or food biochemistry.
Competencies of Graduates
The competences of Doctorate program of Food Science fulfill the Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF) for level 9 which cover competences in the area of knowledge, technical skills and managerial skills.
The graduates of doctorate program of food science have excellent capabilities as academic staffs, consultants, researchers in basic or applied food science and technology in governmental institutions, food industries and other relevant organizations.
Teaching Faculty
The Food Science Study Program is supported by 45 Faculty members holding PhD degrees from universities in Indonesia, United States of America, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, and Netherlands. Of the 43 faculty members, 17 are Professors. With highly qualified Faculty members, the FSSP has high commitment to continuously improve the quality of the graduates and its services.
Research and Dissertation
Students enrolled in the Doctorate Program in Food Science are required to complete a research project, write a dissertation and scientific publications. The topic of research and dissertation for doctorate program has to be approved by an advisory commission. The preparation of the research and dissertation is also under the supervision of the advisory commission. For a Doctorate dissertation, students are required to fulfill a minimum of 24 credits/SKS (Decree of Ministry of Education and Culture, 212/U/1999).
Career Prospects
The graduates of doctorate program of food science have excellent abilities as academic staffs, consultants, researchers in basic or applied food science and technology in governmental institutions or food industries.
Research Project (Dissertation)
As a graduation requirement, any Doctoral candidate has to complete a research project and write up a dissertation. The research topic of the dissertation for doctorate program must be approved by the main advisor and the advisory committee members. Doctorate students of FSSP conduct research and prepare a dissertation under the direction of an advisory commitee. Students are required to have a minimum of 12 credit hours of research dissertation for Doctorate degrees. Several research topics frequently selected by students are as follows:
Food Chemistry
Food Microbiology
Food Process Engineering
Optimization of supercritical fluid extraction
Characterization of physical properties of food components
Application of modified atmosphere storage for food commodity
The development of minimally processed food technology
Development of food processing technology, such as extrusion, freeze drying, aseptic process,
Development of dairy, meat, fruit and vegetable processing technology.
Formulation of supplemented and fortified food products
Study on the incubation system of small scale food industries
Dairy, meat, fruit, vegetable processing
Development of value-added food products based on indigenous resource
Various processing technology as a means of food preservation, sensory evaluation, development of functional foods, and water relation.
Food rheology
Identification of valuable co-products from food processing streams
Modification of ingredient functionality by thermal treatments.
Food Biochemistry and Nutrition
Scholarship Opportunity
There are potential scholarships that students may apply. There are various scholarships from government and private companies available for students. The scholarships are usually awarded on a competitive basis and require superior academic performance. Research support is especially obtained from governmental institutions as a competitive grant scheme, such as Competitive Research Grants, Graduate Student Grant schemes, and Basic Research Grant schemes from the Ministry of National Education; Incentive Research schemes from the Ministry of Research and Technology, etc. Several institutions also offer scholarship, such as Toyota Astra Foundation, Bung Hatta Foundation, Toray Foundation, Kalbe Farma, IFS, Ford Foundation, etc. Other research support may be awarded to postgraduate students undertaking projects of value to particular industries or organizations. Additional information on scholarships may be found in the Postgraduate School Web Page.
Eligible Applicants
Doctor Program of Food Science is open for prospective local and overseas candidates, e.g. researchers, lecturers, and food industry professionals with backgrounds in natural science
Further Information
Information and application form can be obtained at:
Program Outcomes
The Doctorate Program in Food Science is designed to meet the level 9 qualification of the Indonesia Qualification Framework (IQF) covering the highest level of competences in work skill, knowledge, and managerial aspects. The graduates of Doctorate Program in Food Science are set to be highly specialized and capable in developing and discovering new knowledge based on basic and advance theories in science and technology in the discipline of food chemistry, food microbiology, food process engineering or food biochemistry through local resources based researches. Students who have completed a Doctorate Program in Food Science are expected to be able to:
The above learning outcomes are assessed and evaluated every five years to assure that the curriculum could fulfill the expectation of not only stakeholders but also what is expected of a Ph.D. These learning outcomes are evaluated through tracer studies, review of the curriculum through workshops and focus group discussions involving the department, alumni, clients and users. The objective of the program outcome evaluation is to obtain information as follows:
Expected Learning Outcomes
To fulfill the competence of the graduates indicated above, fifteen expected learning outcomes have been formulated to embody the curriculum as follow:
Fields of Learning Outcomes | Upon completion of the Doctorate Program in Food Science, students are able to : |
Technical skills |
Knowledge |
Managerial Skills |
Curriculum for Doctoral Program in Food Science – Regular
IPB University
Faculty: Agricultural Technology
Department: Food Science and Technology
Program Study/Degree: Food Science/Doctorate
The Doctoral Program in Food Science is designed to provide independent and highly competent human resources in developing science and technology in the field of food through research, resulting in creative, original, and tested works. Food science is defined as the science that applies the basics of biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering principles to transform raw agricultural products into processed food suitable for human consumption; studying the properties of food ingredients, the causes of food quality deterioration, and the principles underlying food processing, as well as improving the quality and safety of food for consumption by the community.
Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)
GLO1 Able to synthesize various facts, data, methods, and techniques in order to develop a framework of thinking to explain phenomena in the field of food science
GLO2 Able to solve problems in the field of food science by analyzing and synthesizing through various approaches based on a broad philosophy of science
GLO3 Able to plan, implement, and evaluate research for the development of science and technology in the field of food science to produce innovative, innovative, and tested works
GLO4 Able to manage, lead, and develop research and development and communicate the results to the scientific and general community, both at the national and international levels
GLO5 Able to build professional commitment and integrity and ethical values
Study Period
The study period for the doctoral program according to the designed curriculum is 3 (three) years or 6 (six) semesters (on time). The maximum study period is 5 (five) years or 10 (ten) semesters. Under certain conditions assessed to meet the requirements by the Dean of the School of Postgraduate Studies and with the approval of the supervisory commission and the program chair, students can apply for an extension of the study period. The extension of the study period is granted to students in the 10th semester who have a good study progress record, at least having conducted a seminar. The extension of the study period is granted to students for 1 semester. Students who apply for an extension of the study period must obtain a recommendation from the supervisory commission.
Residence Period
Students in the doctoral program must attend at least 1.5 (one and a half) years of full-time study and research at the School of Postgraduate Studies-IPB before they can take the dissertation examination.
Study Load
To complete the doctoral program, the number of credits that must be collected is 42 credits with details of Courses (excluding English language) 14 credits and Final Project 28 credits. This amount is the minimum requirement to obtain a doctoral degree at the School of Postgraduate Studies, Bogor Agricultural University.
Curriculum Structure for Doctoral Program in Food Science
PPS 1704 Filsafat Sains, 2(2-0)
Membahas ilmu dan pengetahuan secara luas yang mencakup epistemologi (logika, ontologi, aksiologi, teologi), etika, estetika serta peran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan moralitas dalam kehidupan untuk mencari kebenaran demi kemaslahatan umat manusia.
Tim Pengajar
IPN 1701 Ilmu Pangan Lanjut, 3(3-0)
Membahas fenomena dasar dengan kerangka berfikir kritis dan analitis untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sintesis dan kreasi baru di bidang ilmu pangan.
Purwiyatno Hariyadi
Nuri Andarwulan, Nancy D. Yuliana, Nugraha E. Suyatma, Harsi D. Kusumaningrum, Puspo E. Giriwono
IPN 1711 Kimia Komponen Pangan Lanjut, 3(3-0)
Membahas secara mendalam sifat fisikokimia komponen makro pangan (karbohidrat, lemak dan protein) dan peranannya dalam sistem pangan. Pembahasan mencakup mekanisme reaksi kimia dalam kaitannya dengan sifat fungsionalnya, teknologi proses, dan modifikasi secara kimia komponen-komponen tersebut untuk memperbaiki sifat fungsional dan memperluas aplikasinya dalam proses pengolahan pangan.
Slamet Budijanto
Sukarno, Didah N. Faridah, Azis B. Sitanggang
IPN 1712 Kimia Komponen Bioaktif Pangan, 3(3-0)
Membahas sifat kimia, biosintesis dan perubahan sifat kimia komponen bioaktif dalam bahan pangan selama proses pengolahan dan penyimpanan, serta bioavailability yang meliputi kimia komponen dan sifat fungsional fenolik, asam lemak (EPA, DHA, CLA, dan EFA lainnya) dan turunan lemak lainnya, asam amino, peptida dan turunan protein lainnya, squalan-squalen, (mikro)algae dan senyawa bioaktif hasil perairan lainnya, dan senyawa yang mengandung sulfur serta senyawa bioaktif dalam bahan penyegar. Pembahasan juga meliputi metode kemometri untuk analisis kimia/identifikasi dan teknik analisis in silico untuk seleksi dan prediksi aktivitas komponen bioaktif. Studi kasus yang membahas hasil-hasil penelitian terkini yang telah dipublikasikan yang berkaitan dengan sifat kimia komponen bioaktif pangan juga dibahas.
Nuri Andarwulan
C. Hanny Wijaya, Sukarno
IPN 1721 Interaksi Patogen dan Inang, 3(3-0) Membahas keterkaitan antara mikroba khususnya patogen bawaan pangan (bakteri dan virus) dengan inang alaminya (hewan/manusia), baik yang menguntungkan maupun yang merugikan. Kuliah mencakup penjelasan dan diskusi-diskusi mekanisme biologis di tingkat seluler dan molekuler pada inang (innate and adaptive immune response) dalam mencegah, membatasi, mentoleransi, mengatasi atau menyerah pada serangan mikroba (bakteri, virus), serta strategi dan mekanisme mikroba dalam mengkolonisasi, menyusup, mengatasi dan membahayakan inangnya untuk menjamin keberlangsungan keberadaannya di alam termasuk mekanisme resistensi terhadap senyawa antimikroba.
Ratih Dewanti-Hariyadi
Siti Nurjanah
IPN 1722 Toksin Mikroba dalam Pangan, 3(3-0) Membahas tentang pembentukan toksin oleh mikroba, baik bakteri (enterotoksin, sitotoksin, neurotoksin), kapang (mikotoksin) maupun alga (paralytic shelfish toxins dsb) dalam berbagai jenis pangan, baik dari aspek genetika maupun ekologinya, ketahanannya terhadap berbagai perlakuan pengolahan, mekanisme dan skema intoksikasinya melalui pangan, serta pengendaliannya dalam pangan.
Winiati P Rahayu
Harsi D. Kusumaningrum
IPN 1731 Proses Termal, 2(2-0)
Membahas aspek fisik dan teknik dari proses termal pangan dan menguji metode penetapan waktu dan suhu proses untuk mencapai kecukupan sterilisasi atau pasteurisasi pangan. Diskusi akan mencakup: (i) prinsip termal pangan (pangan rendah asam, pangan asam), (ii) kinetika termal mikroba, reaksi kimia dan enzimatik dan penerapannya dalam proses termal pangan (thermal reduction time, z-value), (iii) penentuan kecukupan proses (pasteurization value, Fo-value, C-value, B-value, B*-value, dll.), (iv) peralatan proses termal (batch processing, continuous processing) dengan penekanan khusus pada retort dan kontrol retort, termasuk metode pemrosesan baru yang menggunakan media pindah panas seperti air panas, udara / steam, dan steam / air, (v) Pengembangan dan evaluasi proses (uji distribusi panas, uji penetrasi panas), perhitungan termal proses dan optimasi mutu. Kuliah ini juga membahas (a) penerapan konsep food safety objective (persamaan konseptual ICMSF) pada proses termal pangan, dan (b) pengembangan dan penerapan teknologi proses alternatif, untuk pangan proses termal dengan mutu yang lebih baik, dan (c) pengembangan material kemasan baru, termasuk retortable pouches, dll.
Purwiyatno Hariyadi
Ratih Dewanti-Hariyadi, Eko H. Purnomo
IPN 1732 Sifat Fisik Pangan, 3(2-1)
Membahas informasi mendasar yang meliputi prinsip dan definsi mendasar, kepentingan dan aplikasinya di industri pangan, serta metode-metode pengukuran beberapa sifat fisik produk pangan. Cakupan sifat fisik pangan yang akan dibahas secara mendalam dalam mata kuliah ini adalah (1) sifat geometris produk pangan meliputi ukuran, bentuk, volume dan atribut sifat fisik yang berhubungan dengan sifat geometris; (2) sifat reologi; (3) sifat thermal; (4) sifat elektromagnet; (5) aktivitas air, sorpsi isotermis air, dan transisi gelas dalam hubunganya dengan stabilitas produk pangan; (6) sifat permukaan dan emulsifikasi.
Dede R. Adawiyah
Nur Wulandari, Eko H. Purnomo, M Arpah
IPN 1741 Imunologi dalam bidang Pangan, 3(3-0) Kuliah ini diawali dengan penjelasan mengenai sistem imun dan respon imun (non spesifik dan spesifik) dalam melawan infeksi bakteri, virus dan sel yang termutasi. Dalam kuliah ini dibahas pengaruh zat gizi maupun komponen bioaktif terhadap respon imun (imunomodulator, pengendali reaksi inflamasi, inhibitor sel termutasi), gut immunity, dan allergenisitas pangan. Dijelaskan pula mengenai teknik kultur sel dan metode imunokimia untuk analisis kandungan allergen pada produk pangan maupun sampel biologis, serta prinsip produksi antibodi poliklonal dan monoklonal. Dalam kuliah ini juga dibahas hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan peranan komponen pangan terhadap sistem imun.
Endang Prangdimurti Puspo Edi Giriwono, Nurheni Sri Palupi
IPN 1742 Pangan Dan Sistem Vaskuler, 3(3-0)
Membahas peranan bahan pangan terhadap pencegahan dan/atau stimulasi risiko timbulnya penyakit pada sistem kardiovaskuler, yang secara rinci meliputi: pemahaman sistem kardiovaskuler; metabolisme lemak dan lipoprotein; pengaruh radikal bebas; asam lemak dan kolesterol; antioksidan; karbohidrat dan serat pangan; asam amino dan protein; interaksi zat gizi dalam pola konsumsi pangan; hubungan penyakit hipertensi dan diabetes dengan penyakit jantung koroner, serta berbagai komplikasinya.
Sedarnawati Yasni
Made Astawan
IPN 1751 Topik Khusus untuk Pengembangan Karir, 2(0-2)
Secara umum mata kuliah topik khusus diadakan untuk memperkaya materi penelitian, sehingga materi topik khusus beragam sesuai dengan topik penelitian setiap mahasiswa. Mata kuliah topik khusus adalah mata kuliah yang diasuh oleh komisi pembimbing yang bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan dalam bidang penelitiannya. Luaran dari mata kuliah dapat berupa makalah atau yang setara. Perkuliahan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditetapkan yaitu sebanyak 14 kali tatap muka dalam satu semester di luar UTS dan UAS.
IPN 1752 Penulisan Ilmiah untuk Publikasi Internasional Bereputasi, 3(2-1)
Membahas pengembangan keterampilan dan kepercayaan-diri menulis publikasi pada jurnal internasional terkemuka dalam bentuk makalah eksperimental dan ulasan (review), memberikan wawasan tentang butir-butir penting dalam pengiriman manuskrip dan proses peer review, serta membahas penggunaan beberapa reference manager software (Mendeley, Zotero) dan sistem penyiapan dokumen (Word dan Lateks).
Nancy Dewi Yuliana
Aziz B. Sitanggang, Hanifah N. Lioe
IPN 1753 Topik Khusus untuk Pengembangan Karir, 3(0-3)
Secara umum mata kuliah topik khusus diadakan untuk memperkaya materi penelitian, sehingga materi topik khusus beragam sesuai dengan topik penelitian setiap mahasiswa. Mata kuliah topik khusus adalah mata kuliah yang diasuh oleh komisi pembimbing yang bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan dalam bidang penelitiannya. Luaran dari mata kuliah dapat berupa makalah atau yang setara. Perkuliahan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditetapkan yaitu sebanyak 14 kali tatap muka dalam satu semester di luar UTS dan UAS.
IPN 1791 Ujian Kualifikasi Tulis, 2(0-2)
Ujian kualifikasi tulis program doktor ilmu pangan adalah sebuah bentuk evaluasi yang wajib bagi mahasiswa kandidat doktor untuk menjamin penguasaan ilmu di bidang pangan dan kesiapan melakukan penyusunan proposal penelitian.
IPN 1792 Ujian Kualifikasi Lisan, 2(0-2)
Ujian kualifikasi lisan program doktor adalah sebuah bentuk evaluasi yang wajib bagi mahasiswa program doktor untuk menjamin kesiapan melakukan penelitian dan kelayakannya sebagai seorang kandidat doktor.
IPN 1793 Kolokium, 1(0-1)
Kolokium memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk berbagi pemikiran dalam mengembangkan rancangan dan metode penelitian. Proposal penelitian yang telah disetujui oleh Komisi Pembimbing dipresentasikan melalui kolokium.
IPN 1794 Proposal, 2(0-2)
Proposal penelitian berisi rencana penelitian yang akan dilakukan. Substansi proposal harus bersifat fokus, lanjut dan sujana (scholar) untuk pengembangan IPTEK di bidang ilmu pangan sehingga menghasilkan karya yang memiliki kebaruan, inovasi dan teruji.
IPN 1795 Penelitian dan Disertasi, 12 SKS
Penelitian berbasis sumberdaya lokal dalam rangka mengembangakan dan menciptakan pengetahuan baru berdasarkan teori-teori dasar iptek dalam bidang kimia/ mikrobiologi/ biokimia/ rekayasa proses pangan. Hasil penelitian dituliskan dalam bentuk dokumen disertasi yang dipertahankan pada ujian tertutup dan ujian terbuka.
IPN 1796 Ujian tertutup 2(0-2)
Ujian tertutup merupakan salah satu tahap pencapaian gelar setelah mahasiswa melakukan penelitian dan penulisan disertasi. Ujian tertutup dimaksudkan untuk menilai kemampuan calon Doktor dalam mempertahankan materi yang terdapat dalam disertasi. Ujian tertutup juga dimaksudkan untuk menguji kompetensi keilmuan, metodologi, berfikir (abstraksi, nalar, deduktif-induktif, analisis-sintesis), dan kompetensi komunikasi.
Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA) Institut Pertanian Bogor.
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